ToggleLesbian Erasure
Question 35: Are you concerned about the eradication of lesbian culture?
Not at all | A little | A moderate amount | A lot | A great deal | Total | Missing | Total | |
Number | 48 | 59 | 239 | 591 | 2005 | 2942 | 1 | 2943 |
% | 1.6 | 2 | 8.1 | 20 | 68.1 | 99.97 | 0.03 | 100 |
Fig. 41
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “I am a lesbian and what I am seeing is tantamount to the cultural genocide of lesbians. We are now being treated with contempt if we reject men as partners, so we are no longer being accepted as lesbians. The pressure on young girls, often lesbians, who do not conform to sexist stereotypes, to reject the idea that they are really women, has meant that many younger lesbians don’t have any pride in who they are. They are also being disconnected from their heritage and the proud history of lesbianism. Most tragically of all is that they are being encouraged to have deeply harmful medical changes done to their bodies often resulting in infertility, which we only have seen in the past during times when eugenics were being practiced. This is violent lesbian conversion therapy but there is nothing therapeutic about it.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “I am concerned about lesbian erasure in history as someone who helped to create lesbian history in the UK in groups and books. Lesbians in history are being reinterpreted as trans or queer after all of our work to bring them back and highlight them. But also I am concerned every time I see a lesbian in public life so terrified that she feels she has to say she is anything but a lesbian, bi for instance. After all the lesbian feminist work to create lesbian pride.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “I am a lesbian. I am being erased by gender ideology. I am being called queer. I am being called a man for my same sex attraction.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “I am really concerned that lesbian culture is being hounded and depleted, and that the wonderful lesbian role models that show all kinds of ways of being a woman are being coopted by gender ideology.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “Some of the most blatant, aggressive instances of gender ideology are experienced by lesbian women, with many describing coercive sex – rape – or attempted rape – after which they are labelled ‘transphobes’. It’s arguably the most revealing thing about what gender ideology really is.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “I am also concerned about erasure of lesbian history, by relabelling historical lesbian figures as ‘trans’, who never identified as males at the time.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “Lesbians have rights in legislation to protect them. This is being overridden by men with an agenda. The trans movement are oppressing the lesbian community.”
Question 36. Are you concerned by the notion that men can be lesbians?
Not at all | A little | A moderate amount | A lot | A great deal | Total | Missing | Total | |
Number | 0 | 10 | 43 | 201 | 2652 | 2937 | 6 | 2943 |
% | 0 | 0.3 | 1.5 | 6.8 | 90.1 | 99.8 | 0.2 | 100 |
Fig. 42
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “As a lesbian myself all of these issues deeply concern me. More and more I see trans characters in books portrayed as lesbians or tv trans id men playing lesbians. The cotton ceiling is real and the fact that people protested the BBC article shows how lesbians are viewed. Being called genital fetishist because of our same sex attraction or calling our SSA a preference enrages me. Preference gives the impression of choice.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “Thank you for including that series of question about lesbians who very often get left out. As a lesbian this is my major impact. I do not go to lesbian meet up or join lesbian group because it is too dangerous and there is no point as they are full of men. In my experience some of these men are actively violent and boundary breaking.”
Question 37: Are you concerned about lesbians being pressured / expected to engage in sexual activity with men who call themselves lesbians or have ‘lady dick’?
Not at all | A little | A moderate amount | A lot | A great deal | Total | Missing | Total | |
Number | 29 | 20 | 53 | 229 | 2608 | 2939 | 4 | 2943 |
% | 1 | 0.7 | 1.8 | 7.8 | 88.6 | 99.9 | 0.1 | 100 |
Fig. 43
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “I am furious. There is no such thing as a ‘lady dick’. If women are same-sex attracted, they want the *same* sex. This is all about male power and forcing women to accept them as sex partners. They aren’t fucking women, and women don’t have to fuck them. Shouldn’t have to.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “There are young lesbians who are sleeping with males to try to “cure” their vagina “fetish”. The mental anguish they feel is being ridiculed and they are being abused, vilified and told to try harder by the “LGBTQ +” community.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “I was pressured into dating a trans woman.”
Question 38: Are you concerned about lesbians having to meet in secret to avoid having to accept or welcome men as lesbians?
Not at all | A little | A moderate amount | A lot | A great deal | Total | Missing | Total | |
Number | 36 | 30 | 122 | 363 | 2390 | 2941 | 2 | 2943 |
% | 1.2 | 1 | 4.1 | 12.3 | 81.2 | 99.9 | 0.1 | 100 |
Fig. 44
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “I came out as a lesbian in my late teens when it was still very dangerous to do so in many parts of my country. I looked for support in events, bookstores, bars, and other gathering places. I watched as lesbians gained tolerance inch by inch by inch over decades, finally to the point where it seemed we would just be able to live the same lives everyone else gets to live. But at an event for LGBT, a male told lesbians that as a TW he was more of a woman than they would ever be. I’d been tolerating transsexuals for decades, while not being comfortable with many of their claims. That statement opened my eyes and then from there I could see how much people really had never accepted lesbians, they had just pretended. Since then it’s been nothing but lesbophobia – at work, at events, in the media, and very often led by people pretending to be inclusive and mostly just forcing the inclusion of men who claim to be lesbians. It’s shocking to see in 2021 how little space we lesbians have for ourselves and how even that tiny space is under constant attack from outside, but even from inside.”
Question 39: Are you concerned about lesbians being shamed for asserting their same sex attraction?
Not at all | A little | A moderate amount | A lot | A great deal | Total | Missing | Total | |
Number | 35 | 18 | 95 | 299 | 2493 | 2940 | 3 | 2943 |
% | 1.3 | 0.6 | 3.2 | 10.2 | 84.7 | 99.9 | 0.1 | 100 |
Fig. 45
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “Lesbians being banned from a London Pride March a few years back was one of my first introductions to the unpleasantness of trans ideology. It felt at the time like a headline in a satirical magazine, but with every passing day I feel the situation is getting worse for lesbians. It is nothing new for lesbians to be told that they can ‘learn to love penis’ if it’s the ‘right one’. What is new, however, is that lesbians can no longer call that homophobia out and expect to be backed up by ‘progressive’ society. This is not to trivialise the struggles lesbians have always faced and continue to face, simply to point out that, until very recently, a lesbian could reasonably expect most regular people to see the blatant ridiculousness (if we’re being charitable) of such ideas as ‘lady dick’, but now lesbians who speak out about it face censure from the same people who, until recently, would have supported them in calling out the homophobia.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “I am a black lesbian and males are colonizing lesbian spaces. They are shaming us for being same sex attracted. This is happening in my actual life and there are no supports for this.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “It’s about shaming women who are same sex attracted and enforcing access to women for men.”
Question 40: Are you concerned about the lack of lesbian role models?
Not at all | A little | A moderate amount | A lot | A great deal | Total | Missing | Total | |
Number | 125 | 131 | 475 | 629 | 1578 | 2938 | 5 | 2943 |
% | 4.2 | 4.5 | 16.1 | 21.4 | 53.6 | 99.8 | 0.2 | 100 |
Fig. 46
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “Where do young people who may be gay or lesbian go to meet role models, and get support for their experience. The worst form of conversion therapy is transition”.
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “As a lesbian myself I worry that we could be losing a whole generation of young lesbians who have very little support and if they do it’s from older women. If this continues these lesbian role models will become older and older and they will become a relic of the past. It will also discourage inter-generational connections between lesbians which are vital both for lesbians and women.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “I am very worried for the young lesbians, they are made to feel ashamed and have no role models to speak of. On Tumblr in private chats I talked with young victims of the Cotton Ceiling and it broke my heart. This is a mix of corrective rape and conversion therapy, nothing less. Can’t believe society has regressed this much in a decade. I can’t use dating apps because of TIMs. Women on social media cannot talk about their bodies otherwise an avalanche of transthugs descend on discussions and derail.”
Question 41: Are you concerned about lesbian dating sites being inundated with men who claim to be lesbians?
Not at all | A little | A moderate amount | A lot | A great deal | Total | Missing | Total | |
Number | 38 | 54 | 165 | 433 | 2251 | 2941 | 2 | 2943 |
% | 1.3 | 1.8 | 5.6 | 14.7 | 76.5 | 99.9 | 0.1 | 100 |
Fig. 47
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “At least one in ten “lesbians” on dating sites are men. Last week at my lesbian social night there were FIVE men. That is a record number and I felt angry, upset and worried that this is a trend. There were around 40 people there. That means more than 10 % of the people at a lesbian night were men.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “Even lesbian-specific dating apps are full of AGPs, straight couples seeking a third, and self-hating women who identify as “trans men” or “nonbinary.” I’m 25. I don’t know ANY lesbians my age in this woke college town. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, I questioned my “gender identity” for years and years… it all started because I wondered if my attraction to women meant that I was somehow really a man. I never socially or medically transitioned, but I feel like I dodged a fucking bullet. Keira Bell and I are the same age; I am haunted by the thought that that could have been me. This generation of lesbians is being destroyed.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “It’s impossible to meet in lesbian groups, without some bloke being there. It’s ruined camping and walking and book groups.”
Question 42: Are you concerned about lesbianism being redefined as same gender attracted rather than same sex attracted?
Not at all | A little | A moderate amount | A lot | A great deal | Total | Missing | Total | |
Number | 38 | 34 | 94 | 282 | 2484 | 2934 | 9 | 2943 |
% | 1.3 | 1.2 | 3.2 | 9.6 | 84.4 | 99.7 | 0.3 | 100 |
Fig. 48
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “Men cannot be lesbians. Shame on those organisations like the controversial political lobby group stonewall who advocate for the removal of same sex attraction and women’s boundaries.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “The trend is towards lesbianism being ‘othered’ once again and that a same sex or non-confirming girl will be more supported as a trans male. It’s ludicrous that the only people who are ‘allowed’ to say publicly that they are exclusively attracted to lesbians without outrage are men who identify as lesbians.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “I think it is homophobic to promote same-gender attraction. It is like conversion therapy or conversion rape to claim that men with penises can be lesbians and women should accept ‘lady dick’. I can’t believe these views are accepted and indeed promoted by Stonewall. I worry that young women and girls who are same-sex attracted will be made to feel guilty and bigoted if they refuse ‘male lesbians’. The recent BBC story shows there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that this is happening and a quick look at lesbian dating sites proves males are looking for lesbian dates. Lesbians’ concerns must be taken seriously.”
Question 43: Are you concerned about lesbian groups – whether Meet-Up, Facebook groups, prioritising and promoting men over lesbians and bisexual women?
Not at all | A little | A moderate amount | A lot | A great deal | Total | Missing | Total | |
Number | 45 | 43 | 143 | 391 | 2312 | 2934 | 9 | 2943 |
% | 1.5 | 1.5 | 4.9 | 13.3 | 78.6 | 99.7 | 0.3 | 100 |
Fig. 49
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “The homophobia of this should be made clearer to everyone. I am so sorry that lesbians have no support from Stonewall. The situation is shameful”.
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “I think it’s disgusting that lobby groups claiming to represent the interests of LGB support the coercive correctional rape of lesbians. Then when the much needed LGB Alliance started to represent their interests the controlling movement smeared them and tried to block them at every turn. Stonewall no longer represents lesbians, they shame them and promote abuse directed at them by these ‘most marginalised’ I’m very angry. Everyone is allowed to have sexual boundaries, every adult including the trans ones need to learn to accept sexual rejection, learning that lesbians not sleeping with you is hate is incel mentality.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “To witness organisations like Stonewall, set up to promote the equality of same SEX attracted people, actively campaigning AGAINST same sex attracted women (lesbians) is testament to the growth of misogyny in our porn-soaked culture. Leave lesbians alone! There is now no political home for women who speak the truth about biology – no man can become a woman, it is simply not possible, all men can do is perform their porn fantasy version of femininity (aka female ‘gender’). Shame on every person who holds public office who goes along with this, shame on every medical professional who goes along with this, shame on every teacher who promotes this. A generation of children and young people are being physiologically, surgically and/or emotionally damaged by their neglect of their safeguarding responsibilities.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “As a young lesbian (20yo) I can say firmly that there is no community left in which lesbians are welcome. The kweer crowd has completely taken over. Lesbians are either transed or constantly pressured to date males. Lesbophobia is striving, lesbian culture already eradicated, dating apps ban us if we state our attraction to “biological” women specifically, I feel hopeless.”
Question 44: Are you concerned about it being suggested to girls that if they are attracted to other girls then they are a boy – not being made aware of lesbianism as a possibility / reality?
Not at all | A little | A moderate amount | A lot | A great deal | Total | Missing | Total | |
Number | 38 | 33 | 95 | 265 | 2509 | 2940 | 3 | 2943 |
% | 1.3 | 1.1 | 3.2 | 9 | 85.3 | 99.9 | 0.1 | 100 |
Fig. 50
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “By erasing lesbians from womanhood, they narrow the box of what being a woman is to heterosexuality. It is completely homophobic. I cannot believe that there are people out there telling lesbians that they have to suck girldick all in the name of ‘progress’.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “This is a big concern in Asia and predominantly Muslim countries where young women are being pressured changing sex rather than being accepted as gay.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “My daughter has been totally indoctrinated at University. She had gone from being a proud lesbian to a non-binary queer person who believes she is transphobic if she doesn’t date men who identify as women. The university counsellor has supported her in kicking all family members out of her life that don’t agree with her on gender ideology. She isn’t coming home for Christmas.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “Young lesbians are deprived of lesbian friends, role models and romances as so many claim to be trans boys now. It is lonely, isolating for lesbians.”
RESPONDENT COMMENT: “Suggesting that young people who are same sex attracted are Trans is akin to conversion therapy. Condemning young people to a lifetime of brutal surgery and drugs a scandal.”
Question 45: Would you like to say more about lesbian erasure?
989 women commented on lesbian erasure.
Thematic coding revealed the most common concerns of women regarding lesbian erasure were:
Codes | % of themed identified |
Dangerous/violent men claiming to be lesbians | 9.1 |
Lesbian erasure | 7.6 |
Impact on young lesbians of GI and queer theory | 6.7 |
Loss of lesbian spaces | 5.5 |
Controlling/coercive behaviour to get lesbians to be intimate with men | 4.8 |
Homophobic attitudes in GI | 3.6 |
Conversion/transition, transing the gay away | 3.6 |
Misogyny within GI rhetoric | 3.6 |
Difficulties in dating/meeting other lesbians | 3.5 |
Sexually abusive men claiming to be lesbians | 3.2 |
Personal stories | 3.1 |
Homophobia internalised and in wider society | 3.0 |
Heterosexual women supporting lesbians | 2.9 |
Transphobic label attached to lesbians who reject intimacy with men | 2.7 |
Lesbian role models disappearing | 2.7 |
Impact on lesbians of changes to definition of SSA | 2.5 |
Feeling distressed and upset | 2.5 |
LGB(T) and position of lesbians in this grouping | 2.3 |
Driven by male entitlement | 2.1 |
Feelings of anger | 1.9 |
Immutability of biological sex | 1.9 |
Experiencing abuse/bullying/domestic abuse | 1.7 |
Use/misuse of language, calling men lesbians etc. | 1.7 |
Feeling concern and worry | 1.5 |
Disrespect for women’s boundaries | 1.4 |
Women silenced | 1.4 |
Role of institutions in lesbian erasure | 1.3 |
Being isolated | 1.3 |
Feeling fearful | 1.3 |
Access or lack of access to support | 1.2 |
AGPs | 1.0 |
Role of pornography in negative view of lesbians | 0.9 |
Sex role stereotypes | 0.9 |
Manipulative behaviour used to coerce lesbians | 0.8 |
‘Cotton ceiling’ | 0.8 |
Psychological harm to lesbians | 0.7 |
Threats | 0.6 |
Impact on family relationships | 0.6 |
Lack of concern for lesbians | 0.3 |
Actual physical harm | 0.2 |
Lesbians in the media | 0.2 |
Media coverage | 0.1 |
Cultural comparisons | 0.1 |
Use of wrong sex pronouns | 0.1 |
Other themes | 0.1 |
Total | 100 |
Fig. 51
Women’s Comments
“It is almost impossible to find lesbian community and friendship when you move to a new place, as all the groups are open to ‘self-defined women’, i.e. men. Not only does the presence of men ruin the group, the whole basis of the group means you don’t know who you can trust to stand by the actual meaning of the word ‘lesbian’. The damage done to lesbian communities and individuals is incalculable. The chances of basic friendship and community are destroyed.”
“I’m horrified that in 2021 lesbians are being forced out of what were previously women only or lesbian spaces. It is beyond astonishing that this is happening.”
“I can’t say much on this topic not being a lesbian myself, but I can say that it’s disgusting for anyone to try to argue, pressure, or bully someone into having sex with them when they’ve said they’re not interested. It’s ridiculous that it’s now essentially considered bigotry to have any sexual orientation other than bisexual (or “pansexual,” to use the term TRAs would probably prefer).”
“Thank goodness for brave women like Joanna Cherry and the LGB Alliance.”
“Lesbian has been the frontline of our resistance of patriarchy for centuries, this is an attack on all women and on the most committed and effective patriarchy challengers throughout history in particular.”
“What’s happening, and has happened, to lesbians is a tragedy. They are being driven underground if they want to have any of their own meeting places, and the abuse and coercion I hear about from lesbian friends is awful. They are being put through so much and then painted as the villains when they are really the victims of this.”
“For me lesbianism is (beautiful 🙂 but also) deeply political und refusing every male being in all parts of life. I organize and make politics with women, support women and love women romantically and in companionship. It scares me massive that Trans identified males succeed to sneak in lesbian groups – and be welcomed by women lesbians.”
“I see gender identity as predominantly a men’s rights movement, we only heard about trans identified men, and the erasure of lesbians and their submission to accept them as sexual partners only respond to men’s sexual fantasies and their entitlement to the bodies of all women.”
“It is very dangerous especially for young lesbians. Older lesbians need to create new spaces, maybe secret spaces, for young lesbians to feel safe and stay away from transwomen.”
“We will make more noise.”
“For younger women, “lesbian” has become an uncool identity, while trans boy is “cool”. Heartbreaking.”
“As a lesbian I will fight to my death to preserve our history and culture from erasure.”
“My daughter is a lesbian. I fear she will feel obligated to accept a male in her bed – before she’s even had a chance to try out what her orientation tells her. I wonder if, deep down, this is why she doesn’t have a girlfriend – because she is too scared to start. Easier to just not risk putting yourself out there.”
“The cotton ceiling abuse makes me sick. I am not gay but to be a young lesbian right now is to be vilified, bullied, diminished and excluded.”
“It would seem to me that all of the above is about lesbian erasure. Do deny completely same sex attraction and replace it with nebulous gender – there is no such thing in my opinion as a transwomen or trans identifying male being a lesbian any more than a trans man or trans identifying woman can be a gay man! It’s preposterous and undermines completely and erases same sex attraction and is therefore deeply homophobic too.”
“It is vile to think that men expect lesbians to sleep with them. It’s rape. I’m not even a lesbian but the thought disturbs me massively. This is one of the most serious issues for women to deal with. All women. Where will it all end?”
“We saw the fall out from the BBC article – it’s obvious to TRA’s that the rape of lesbians is acceptable to a vast amount of them.”
“I am straight but I worry for lesbians. They are being erased.”
“As a heterosexual woman I had never really thought about lesbian women (their lives/struggles/unique needs) that much before becoming involved in gender critical feminism. Now I feel so much closer to all women, the sisterhood, including lesbian women all over the world.”
“I’m not a lesbian so I have less first hand experience of this. But I am also concerned that straight women are being told they have to identify as lesbian if their male partner transitions or they are in a relationship with a man who claims womanhood.”
“I am deeply concerned about the rights of lesbians in our society.”
“Lesbians some of whom have been raising the alarm since the 70’s are even being marginalised within the GC movement. This is very concerning.”
“A lack of role models, real life or online spaces to meet up and the lack of even the word ‘lesbian’ in so many spheres makes it extremely difficult for young, same-sex attracted women and girls to develop a positive, secure sexual identity and feel confident and able to talk about their sexual orientation.”
“The Cotton Ceiling is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard of. Lesbian sisters saw this coming years ago, we all should have listened to them. The destruction of lesbian culture is a tragedy. An older lesbian woman from North America started a thread & walked round her city, noting all the lesbian spaces that had gone, bars, cafes, clubs, libraries, women only centres, restaurants, it was heartbreaking.”
“Why do some lesbian women say that this is not happening or yes a man can be a lesbian. Complete BS.”
“Well, I’m gradually being erased personally – just like going back to the Dark Ages!”
“This makes me very cross. My daughter is gay. She says she prefers being called ‘queer’ I explained it was an abusive word but she said she doesn’t want to be called a lesbian because men have pornified the word. She’s right, they control the narrative men whatever they call themselves however they dress. Sick of it all.”
“It’s everywhere, and the bigger picture is female erasure. What is going on? How did this happen?”
“I am not a lesbian. But what happens to them, if allowed to stand, will happen to other women too. I already cannot see how I could arrange a women’s meeting in plain language without being accused of bigotry or exclusion, or challenged by trans women in person.”
“Bisexuality seems to be left out of these questions so far… I’m hoping that bi-erasure isn’t falling on deaf ears.”
“I’m a bisexual woman myself, but I feel with my lesbian sisters who have their spaces taken from them, are getting coerced into accepting men as sexual partners and are also losing role model after role model – with so many prominent lesbians suddenly jumping ship and either going full trans or escaping on the “non-binary” train.”
“LGB drop the T Until we separate these two groups, nothing will change.”
“I’m appalled by the discrimination faced by lesbians.”
“Gender ideology has been catastrophic for young lesbians.”
“I’m not a lesbian but was great friends with a lesbian woman from the early 90s. She was having a lot of trouble with her family accepting her and DIVA magazine was a real lifeline for her, as were lesbian clubs which I attended with her, as was lesbian culture. My heart goes out to young lesbians now and the confusion and coercion they must be going through. I’m not in a position to help them now, being outside the culture, but this is why I was so furious about a gay woman who’s undergone a mastectomy and is calling herself a man being presented as a positive role model in school (see previous answer). Girls are vulnerable and lesbian girls even more so, in my opinion, because they present a challenge to the patriarchy.”
“My teenage daughter has been groomed online into believing males can be lesbians. As a lesbian herself it causes me a lot of worry.”
“Doesn’t bode well for the future, lesbians are the last bastion for female only space (their bodies) therefore it is so important to give no compromise to men.”
“There are a few powerful lesbian role models who have managed to counter the attacks made on them, but the one thing they have in common is that they have money and/or status to protect them. Even given that, they have been subject to vicious attacks, physical and legal. The m to f trans people claim to be the most victimised and oppressed minority in the country (the same language and tactics are being used in all developed countries, which is in itself highly suspect and disturbing) at the same time levelling abuse, hate speech, hate mail and threats of extreme violence against women who do not share their opinions. By shouting so loudly, they are being heard and believed. This makes it dangerous for lesbians when they are trying to meet and socialise with women – all their safe spaces are being infiltrated, and on lesbian dating sites, there is pressure on them to accept m to f partners or be subject to the accusation of transphobia, with its socially severe repercussions. With regard to children, at home or school, their behaviour should not be subjected to potentially very damaging misinterpretation, which is then compounded by pushing them towards societal stereotypes.”
“I am a lesbian and it saddens me the eradication of lesbian space and the vitriol directed at lesbians. I see it as another attack on women by men.”
“Lesbian erasure is dripping with Coercive Control tactics. The whole ideology is a study in Coercive Controlling behaviours.”
“My daughter has recently revealed she is a lesbian and I am terrified for the world she will now grow up in, the homophobic notion that lesbians have penises is appalling, I am so grateful to so many brave lesbian women who have spoken out but it devastates me the abuse they have suffered as a consequence.”
“The recent reaction to the BBC article shows how deeply lesbophobic the TRA movement is. How dare us lesbians not centre males in our romantic and sexual lives! Dating apps should hang their heads in shame. Stonewall abandoned lesbians and many gay males deny that there’s an issue. Coercing lesbians into sleeping with males is the old straight male clanger of “I’m a male lesbian” repackaged for modern times. When the concept of biological sex is attacked then the very notion of same sex attraction by default is also under attack. Those who attacked the BBC article would be the first to tweet out their support of the #metoo movement. So they’re all about believing the victim until she’s a lesbian and the perpetrator is trans. It’s disgusting. No other demographic is treated as appallingly as lesbians.”
“I am bi, I am in no way as under threat as lesbians are but I have seen first hand how males have infiltrated dating sites where ‘women only’ means nothing at all anymore. The men calling themselves ‘women’ are nothing more than pornified fetishists. And I have seen the disrespectful threatening things that come directly from trans identified males.”
“It shocked me reading about the cotton ceiling. That lesbians are now being vilified because they do not date men who identify as Women.”
“We are going backwards. It’s ridiculous to expect lesbians to date men with a special identity.”
“I fear for young lesbians. They have no places of their own and are being pressurised into either transing or accepting men as partners.”
“Lesbians have always been viewed with suspicion by the patriarchy. I believe gender ideology is deeply lesbophobic & I worry greatly about young lesbians coming to terms with their sexuality.”
“I am a lesbian and have been ‘out’ for more than 30 years. Like many lesbians, I was a tomboy who hated her growing breasts and the male attention that brought. I could easily have been persuaded that I was really a boy if it meant changing my appearance and stopping unwanted attention. Lesbian culture was always marginalised and never as prominent or accepted as gay male culture. But at least people understood what a lesbian was, that she was not sexually or romantically interested in men. This distortion of both language and behaviour is deeply harmful, particularly to young lesbians just coming to terms with their sexuality and coming out. For me personally, the invasion of lesbian life and culture by men is the reddest of red lines. We choose to make our lives with women. We will not accept trans-identified men as romantic or sexual partners no matter how much it hurts their feelings.”
“I’m a heterosexual woman but of course I support lesbians as a marginalised group of women. This is enough for me to care about their rights and spaces, in and of itself. But I would also say that lesbian culture is central to radical feminism also. I’m a radical feminist and greatly influenced by the theory and movement. Lesbian radical feminists make a huge contribution to the women’s movement and are often the first women to speak up against movements which further our oppression. All women benefit from lesbian culture because it’s such a female centred culture, I think lesbian culture is vital to women’s culture on the whole.”
“The purposeful way in which these ideologues interchange gender and sex – with the desire to deconstruct the biological material reality of sex is crazy. These people are possessed by their dogmas – and are willing to do anything to force them on society and use this strategy to gain power. Lesbians seemingly are one of the groups most targeted by this warped set of ideas.”
“I do not want to have romantic relationships with fetishistic men and delusional, mutilated women. I’ve seen more than one “well it doesn’t matter for you” thing out there from lesbians. Like we have to take one for the team for the LG that don’t want to deal with it.”
“As I said before – I’m never going back into the closet. One of the reasons is that I’ve had a lifetime of the glory as well as set backs as an out-and-proud lesbian, so I feel a duty to be seen by younger lesbians.”
“Lesbians have been holding the line on these issues the longest and are very specifically affected by straight TiMs claiming to be lesbians, destroying their social networks and spaces and targeting lesbians for sexual harassment, assault and intimidation. I really fear for young lesbians afraid even to say the word.”
“Never ever EVER underestimate how much men hate us. They want to put us into gulags and correctively rape us (women, all women) so there can be #NOQUARTER in this fight. We tried being nice, now my lesbian sisters are being raped by ******* (redacted). They can go shit in a ditch before I ever grace them with anything feminine. Cope, seethe, dilate, shithole.”
“I came out in the 80’s, saw assistance of gay people grow and develop but always felt that there was less acceptance of lesbians than gay men. We are more stigmatised, less accepted, less celebrated than gay men have been over the last 30 years, so our progress towards acceptance and equality was more marginal, less firm. Then along comes this nonsense and we are catapulted back to the 50s or pre-second world war. I get so angry thinking about young lesbians today trying to find their place in the world and actually having a harder time than I did.”
“As a lesbian in Canada I have experienced this first hand. In Toronto, ON Canada’s largest city the women’s coming out support group is facilitated by a transwoman. My lesbian meetup group has a transwoman who demands attention and makes everything we discuss about him. My HER account is full of transbians. It’s absolutely ridiculous!”
“This was the first battle. I think het women did lesbians and themselves a disservice by ignoring what happened to lesbian groups.”
“I am not lesbian, and am horrified at what’s happening.”
“My AGP abusive ex wanted to force me to say we were lesbians together and call him a woman during sex. I am bi and refused to call him a lesbian which resulted in abuse.”
“Frightening and violent.”
“This is so worrying. My daughter is lesbian and my blood boils at the thought of her ever receiving this nonsense.”
“Much of it is simply rape culture. Lesbians are supposed to be OK with being raped! No!!!”
“I am not a lesbian but I see this very much as coercion and rape culture. It concerns me greatly because I see it as a woman’s issue even if I’m not part of the lesbian community.”
“I am not a lesbian but my daughter is. I am concerned about the pressure she is under to accept TW in lesbian spaces.”
“As a lesbian myself all of these issues deeply concern me. More and more I see trans characters in books portrayed as lesbians or tv trans id men playing lesbians. The cotton ceiling is real and the fact that people protested the bbc article shows how lesbians are viewed. Being called genital fetishist because of our same sex attraction or calling our ssa a preference enrages me. Preference give the impression of choice.”
“Lesbians have been the canary in the coal mine for so much of what has happened. Solidarity with them.”
“I’m not a lesbian but have many friends who are and am horrified at the way they are being treated. In no way should they be expected to accept TiMs as sexual partners, as far as I’m concerned this is corrective rape and deeply homophobic.”
“The ultimate encroachment by men – invasion – gaslighting – dominating – colonizing – ideological rape.”
“The increased danger of corrective rape for lesbians in worrying.”
“I feel there’s a big pressure to shame young lesbians for being attracted to women. I do wonder if the attack on older lesbians and lesbian culture is aimed at shutting down the fight for women’s sex-based rights as I have come to see that many lesbians are very brave and effective advocates for human rights.”
“GI ideology is just the latest iteration of not accepting same-sex love.”
“It’s v sad. All we fought for- visibility, respect etc- is going straight down the pan.”
“As the mother of a lesbian I am worried about the things she could encounter.”
“I am not a lesbian, but I can see this happening around me in many areas. I accept the researched figure that around 10% of the human population is same sex attracted, but I believe that 100% of the trans population are people who are suffering from an untreated mental illness. And there is no such thing as a “lady dick”; there is only a dude in a frock.”
“It breaks my heart. We need more role models a representation. Especially of butch lesbians.”
“I’m just so very very sad that young women aren’t proud to be called lesbian. And just tragic about the loss of our precious single sex spaces!!”
“Lesbians were hidden in history for an extraordinarily long time. To see the very definition of the word altered for ideological reasons, hiding them again, is galling, to say the least. The number of tweeters/instagrammers happy to tell women (especially lesbians?) to ‘choke on my lady dick’ shows exactly why women are rightly fearful of male-bodied Transwomen coming into single-sex spaces.”
“Choosing to centre women is the most transgressive thing women can do. I am not surprised that we are the front lines of this debate. It’s exhausting and inevitable that we will be targeted and attacked for not accepting men as partners or as people we want to centre in our lives.”
“I’m not a lesbian and can’t speak for them, but feel angry that they are affected so badly.”
“As a lesbian, I find it both enraging and heartbreaking to encounter the lesbophobia that is inherent in transgender ideology and which is spreading throughout society (due to the influence of TRAs). I fear for young women who may be lesbian. I am so angry that lesbian culture, and the very notion of being a lesbian, is under attack. I now recoil at the rainbow flag – as to me it represents lesbian erasure. I am grateful that organisations are springing up to represent lesbians.”
“Unsure how to answer Q36, as am not concerned that men CAN be lesbians. They can’t. But am concerned that they pretend to be. Sexual orientation isn’t something that people generally shout from the rooftops, so I hate it that any one group is forced to do so, just to defend themselves from attack. Women being lesbian isn’t even relevant to men. Lesbianism doesn’t harm men, so I wish those men would just leave well alone!”
“This was always going to open the floodgates to predatory, unwell & abusive men. It was obvious. Most men identifying as women are men who are transvestites. Heterosexuals who are turned on by seeing themselves as women. This group now comes under the trans umbrella. Who would do such a thing, much less organisations that are supposed to advocate for lesbian rights. Men have always had a lack of respect for lesbian women’s boundaries. Now it’s official. A man can declare his penis a female penis & implore lesbians to get fucked. There are no boundaries lesbians have against men. None. We are pressured, shamed & coerced into accepting men as sexual partners by calling our sexual boundaries ‘racist’ or genital fetish. It’s rank homophobia. It’s being allowed because Stonewall & all LGBTQ+ orgs have allowed it to happen, are actively encouraging it. It’s deeply dangerous. Deeply immoral. It’s rape culture. It’s homophobic. It’s a disgrace. Our movement has turned on lesbians for power, money & influence. We’re witnessing one of the great social & political scandals in history.”
“It’s no different than conversion therapy.”
“I saw a therapist (who was a gay man) who I told in our first session that I am a lesbian who struggles with calling myself that word and that I am uncomfortable being a woman. He encouraged me to transition and never once thought about exploring more on what I had said that very first day — that I am a lesbian who is ashamed of being a lesbian, and ashamed of being a woman. He led me down the path to transition. Even therapists and “mental health professionals” are more interested in transing lesbians than helping us to love and understand ourselves. I am very angry at the state of mental health care for lesbians. We have been abandoned by therapists who want to follow what is fashionable.”
“A few months ago, I’d never have dreamed that we are still such a homophobic society. Since hearing of the disgusting concept of ‘the cotton ceiling’ along with hearing how a woman having a short haircut can cause others to think she might really be a man, I am sad to say that homophobia is alive and well.”
“I’ve been an out lesbian since 1978 and I saw this coming with Camp Trans at Women’s Festival. CT finally made it so difficult to hold the festival that they just ended it after almost 40 yrs! I just HATE that they’ve redefined and therefore erased lesbianism all together!”
“I am not a lesbian, so my concern is of a theoretical nature and not based on my own experience – about the implications certain things will have, like allowing men into lesbian spaces.”
“The homophobic and misogynistic elements of gender ideology target lesbians above all other groups. Young lesbians being coerced to accept men because those men claim they are women into their romantic/sexual lives is shocking.”
“Men can never be lesbians.”
“I am shocked by how lesbophobic society is. I’m not a lesbian but I thought that it was safe and society was accepting and supportive of lesbians these days. But this has shown.”
“Lesbian erasure is the effect of not insisting on our sexed bodies, and instead concentrating on our sexual orientation because some lesbians believe that insisting on our sex instead of sexual identity, involves adopting a hetsex socio-political norm. But lesbians are first and foremost female born human beings, and that is a unique fact!”
“I am hetero sexual, but I feel lesbians are especially vulnerable.”
“I have been told by a Treasurer for the Lib Dems (local party) that being lesbian or gay is an identity. This is why the LGB need to be separate from the identity politics of the TQ+.”
“It’s interesting how men are able to keep manipulating women so that women put themselves at risk and on the bottom of the pile. This men can be lesbian bullshit is just another cudgel in the male desire to decimate, dominate and control women and children.”
“I think the whole gender ideology movement is homophobic. Particularly against lesbians.”
“I am not a lesbian but I hear from my lesbian friends about this. I am horrified by it. This is serious and misogynistic and lesbophobic, what this ideology is doing to lesbians.”
“Gender ideology is just a new age homophobia.”
“No lesbian had a penis. Lesbian’s need to keep on being out and loud and proud. We are not a shameful little secret.”
“I’m straight but having seen what lesbians are going through, I now follow on Twitter lots of lesbians because they are women and it’s homoSEXuality and HeteroSEXuality. We’re all in the same boat.”
“As a mature lesbian I am horrified at the experience of young lesbians in the current climate and extremely concerned for their physically and mental safety.”
“It is taking the group of WOMEN who are made up of: ALL women (biological females) which include Lesbians (same sex attracted); Women of colour/races; Women of religions/No religion; Women who are disabled; Women who are mothers; Women who are not mothers; and deliberately BREAKING these groups up. So; Lesbians: “attack” them as an entity, to shame them, get society to shun them. Paint their same sex attraction as “bigotry” and pressure them into relationships with MEN-womanfacing because they have a “female penis” (more lies). Prevent them grouping together – isolate them. Separate them. Teach the possible lesbian girls they are actually “boys” when at their most vulnerable to these lies. Start with Lesbians and the rest….is easier to isolate, separate all other women. Women of Colour: equate them and their distinct additional fears and concerns due to race/racism with Men-womanfacing to prevent them grouping in with all other women. Religious Women: dismiss them as irrelevant; making things up; demand they “change their preferences”. Disabled Women: deemed not women, but defined by their disability. Mothers: remove the name so no woman can declare themselves a mother who has gestated and birthed new life. Call Men “mothers” to lie that anyone can do that role. All other women… remove the name Woman, Girl, Female. Call them “cis” – dehumanise them. But start with Lesbians. Its divide and rule. Start with Lesbians as they were at the forefront of Gay Rights. “Trans” lesbians who were fighting at Stonewall. Lie about historical females/women who had to present as men to merely *survive* in society without a trusted male who would support them. Deny the accomplishments of Women through history, and ascribe them to men or “trans” persons – compounding the lies.”
“As a lesbian who only came out a few years ago, this has affected me greatly. I feel as though I’ve been robbed of the experience I used to hope for when I was younger. I’ve been pressured and intimidated into leaving lesbian groups because I was unhappy about men posting nude pictures there.”
“Lesbians are the canary in the coal mine for women’s rights. When lesbians started getting kicked out of Pride for being same sex attracted I took notice.”
“I’m a lesbian who no longer feels supported by the LGBT because of gender ideology. I feel betrayed, coerced into intimacy with transwomen, silenced by threats.”
“I am concerned that our gay children are being told they’re the opposite sex in the wrong body. They aren’t. It’s ok to be same sex attracted, and to be visible as that. Gay rights were hard fought and won, and I’m glad that they were. I worry that butch lesbian girls are being drawn into thinking they must be trans, or be shunned as transphobic when they won’t date a male bodied person.”
“Q 38- lesbians *should* be able to meet in secret to avoid males so that itself doesn’t concern me. The fact that lesbians have to meet in secret away from the lesbian spaces that they already have because males are there is what is concerning.”
“I am a straight woman, but I am also a sexual assault survivor. I have great empathy for the lesbian community right now because they are really taking the brunt of the abuse. It has only recently come to my attention that lesbians are being pressured into sexual relationships with trans women with penises and sometimes flat out raped by them. Our societies need to reaffirm that coercing /pressuring someone into sex, regardless of what you label yourself, is sexual assault. Consent must be ongoing and enthusiastic. You cannot bully someone into being attracted to you. This is a dangerous precedent to allow to continue, for lesbians, but also for all women. We deserve to live our lives without the threat of sexual assault.”
“Lesbian erasure is happening 100%. I have a lesbian sister and friends and I am incensed on their behalf by this erasure of women who are lesbians.”
“Yet more attacks on women’s boundaries and rights. A man can never be a lesbian.”
“This is doing a disservice to the work which has already been done for decades to allow lesbians to live their life in a society which openly accepts them.”
“If words have subjective meaning according to the one using it, the word simply becomes meaningless. Lesbian isn’t nonmen loving nonmen, we mustn’t submit to this kidnapping and butchering of the word lesbian.”
“The vast majority of gender non conforming children are gay and grow out of their dysphoria after puberty. We are not giving children the chance to do this. We are ‘treating’ homosexuality, and there is evidence this is the main motivator of some parents of ‘trans kids’, and it is heinously homophobic. Young lesbians are being pressured into sex with male bodied people. ‘Don’t be a prude. You’ll like it if you try it. If you loved me you’d have sex with me’ used to be phrases we warned our daughters about and now they’re enforced by society. I have seen some absolutely heartbreaking accounts of young lesbians trying to ‘unlearn their genital preference’. It is societally endorsed corrective rape.”
“Very worried about the young women who hang out in the trans community and have older men-who-consider-themselves-women as their friends being silenced when they speak up and being accused of kink-shaming. When we were handing out lesbian info outside the Pride Fair, Wellington, (which had banned us from exhibiting) many age groups of women said there was no lesbian groups to go to.”
“Northern Irelands Lesbian and Bisexual women’s charity HereNI have been captured. They promote the interests of men over same sex attracted women. I no longer feel represented by them.”
“It is absolutely scandalous how lesbians are being erased – eaten up by a rainbow that used to belong to them. Ultimately this movement is about the sexual rights of AGPs and predators. They seemingly do not even care about people who genuinely live with gender dysphoria, for if they did they’d read the evidence and campaign strongly for exploratory approaches to have precedence, with endocrine/surgical options reserved for the small number who might truly benefit from them. The affirmative approach has its origins in poor healthcare, and should have been addressed as soon as the evidence began to emerge. However it has seeped through society to such an extent that lesbians are being pressured into sex and denied women-only spaces, with privileged AGPs demanding preferential treatment.”
“I find it very disturbing that lesbians are now unable to organize and gather in a male free environment. I 100% support lesbians rejecting male bodied people as sex partners, this is what orientation is.”
“I am not a lesbian but I’m deeply concerned to see the pressure they are under.”
“Male privilege inserts itself into lesbian culture. Men are used to having their way at all times, and can’t understand or handle that they are not wanted in the lesbian realm. I want to scream at the top of my lungs: you are not a trans-lesbian, you have autogynophilia! Lesbians shouldn’t be silenced or suffer for your fetish!”
“I am a lesbian–attracted to women. I’m not attracted to men, no matter if they are wearing women’s clothing or make-up or have had their dicks cut off. They are still men, and no lesbian should ever be told that she has to have sex with ANYONE, let alone with a man. And there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian. This crap needs to stop.”
“Thank you for fighting, to all lesbian activists.”
“I am heterosexual but I am with Julia Long on this. It is not hyperbolic to compare Lesbian Erasure to the UN definition of cultural genocide.”
“I think there are many wonderful lesbian role models who are getting noticed because of this fight. So something good is coming from it.”
“In Australia in about 2008 Lesbians lost the rights to have their own festivals by our Governments, local and Fed. I’m not a Lesbian but have friends who are. This is how I found out about this religious cult.”
“I’m not a lesbian, but believe they have the right to associate and have relationships with whom they want without pressure to accept transgender men as actual women. They are not.”
“I’m heterosexual and have learned so much from gender critical lesbians. Lesbians face erasure as women and as lesbians. No other group is more affected than them. I’m really concerned that a generation of lesbians are being medically converted into ‘boys’. I’m concerned that lesbians who already have a far smaller dating pool than heterosexuals are unable to connect with other lesbians due to males taking over their dating apps, bars, social scene. I’m concerned that young lesbians are being pressured into relationships and sex by males that call themselves lesbians. I’ve read a number of accounts by young lesbians that didn’t want to appear transphobic so agreed to date transwomen and regretted it. It is the new homophobia and is teaching young lesbians to be ashamed of their sexuality.”
“I love my lesbians! What is happening is inhuman. Leave the lesbians alone. Autogynephilic men need to stay in their lane.”
“It was recently deemed illegal for a group of lesbians to hold a women-only, lesbian-only, single-sex event – because one trans-identifying male made an objection.”
“I am a lesbian. In a long term committed and supportive relations thank goodness. I am deeply concerned about the effects on lesbians. It is pushing us back onto the closet.”
“Gay pride has become trans pride and “LGBTQI+” is a ridiculous grouping as trans activism threatens women and same sex attracted people. Some trans activists also seem to promote porn and ‘normalise’ paedophilia.”
“Nothing but good old lesbophobia with a new look.”
“The word ‘concerned’, again, doesn’t begin to describe it. ‘Outraged’ is better.”
“The trans rights movement has threatened lesbians likely more than any other group. It is a men’s sexual rights movement. It is all about trying to get into lesbian’s pants, coerce and threaten lesbians. It is a movement advocating for the sexual and mental abuse of lesbians.”
“I did not know until recently this was happening and I find it sickening. A man pretending to be a woman calling himself a lesbian when all he is a hetero man, a bully entitled pervert. Lesbians love women and should be left alone not harassed, and young girls who don’t know about their sexuality just yet or still figuring things out during puberty are targets for medical experimentation!”
“I am straight but have a gay child. I see the promotion of ‘same gender’ rather than ‘same sex’ attraction to be homophobia, pure and simple.”
“Greater information has to be circulated to raise awareness.”
“Lesbians and gays are homosexual. Same sex attracted, not same gender attracted.”
“Telling lesbians they are transphobic if they don’t sleep with males is promotion of corrective rape dressed in rainbows. Disgusting.”
“Not a lesbian, but I am close to many and the backsliding into blatant homophobia that has happened due to the normalization of the idea that exclusive same *sex* attraction is “phobic” is deeply disturbing to me.”
“I think my niece is probably proto-lesbian and her trans ID is internalized misogyny.”
“The shutting down and not believing lesbians telling their experiences regarding the issues they face is horrendous.”
“I feel deeply angered about the imposed and unconsented attempts to redefine lesbianism. It’s sexual coercion and it’s utterly unacceptable.”
“TRAs see lesbians as competition & a challenge to be overcome.”
“Not a lesbian myself but I’ve seen the impact on friends and been horrified by it. An entire culture is being destroyed.”
“I’ve lived erasure for most of my lesbian existence! Almost 5 decades of constant network building wherever I’ve lived. It has been excruciatingly painful to witness lesbians being forced to go back underground. It’s like we’re living in the 1960s again. I’m an organizer and have known times when we could openly promote a lesbian/women’s only event in local communities. Advertise in local media, leave flyers/leaflets in cafes and other local places. Then trans activists stepped up with court cases against lesbian organizers and accused them of discrimination against trans identifying women. In Australia this stopped all lesbians from public gatherings if they preferred to meet with just female born lesbians (sic). We’ve greatly suffered from this ban to promote ourselves and our activities. Me and older lesbian sisters are in great anguish that we cannot provide a thriving support culture for younger lesbians coming out. We had to create this for ourselves and we tried to create it for all lesbians emerging. Being forced to only operate in private spaces and having to vet attendants for fear of male invaders, has had a detrimental impact on many of us and has thrown young lesbian into isolation. The LGBTIQ+ community is not a safe place for young girls seeking themselves and other lesbian sisters.”
“We have spent many years gaining acceptance only to now be told that being same sex attracted is no longer acceptable. I am so angry.”
“I also worry about bisexual women being prioritised over lesbians in lesbian groups.”
“I think that trans ideology particularly bullies and silences lesbian women because they will not engage with men, especially heterosexual men, and the men who claim to be women require women to validate their falsehoods and misappropriation – plainly lesbian women are generally the least likely to do this.”
“I’m not a lesbian, so this isn’t my fight. However, I do feel that, when lesbian girls want to “become” men, that’s a failure of society, education and all aspects of safeguarding.”
“I’m a lesbian and am so tired of spaces being taken over by males and their (well meaning, but misinformed) encouragers. I have dated men before and worry about making jokes about not touching a penis again among fellow lesbians. I once stopped talking to a trans identified male on an online dating site and was harassed until I blocked them.”
“I’m an older lesbian recently widowed so the dating site thing doesn’t really apply, but I’m really worried about these issues for younger women especially, and also how lesbians can be preyed upon by men in what should be safe spaces. The recent BBC interview illustrated what’s happening. Even if I wanted to date again, I’d be very wary because of male infiltration. I’m so worried about young women being pressured into claiming a trans rather than lesbian identity. We don’t harm ourselves coming out as lesbian, and if in maturity we discover that it isn’t really who we are (this happens) then there’s no great harm done. But a confused young woman, who may possibly be bisexual or lesbian, or even turn out to be straight, could well irreparably damage herself by doing all the things that go with being “trans”: breast binding, cross-sex hormones, surgery…it’s horrific.”
“Lesbians are women attracted to women – enough said! that’s all we need.”
“I’m shocked how much ignorance is out there. Sexual orientation is a legally protected characteristic under equality legislation. No one should be shamed or discriminated against for being gay, bisexual, or heterosexual. And let us not forget that gay people are still being murdered and attacked for being gay, and that in many countries homosexuality is outlawed. So it’s truly beyond my comprehension why Stonewall has not supported lesbians who have reported their distress, and in fact seems to have added to the confusion of sexual orientation for sexual preference. Unforgivable!”
“I am straight but I feel that schools should be doing a lot more to highlight and celebrate lesbians and GNC women & girls. I am concerned that lesbians are only visible when they decide that they are ‘men’ and transition – then there is a veritable media feast of celebration, which was notably absent when they were lesbians.”
“It’s heartbreaking that, so soon after progress for lesbian and gay people, this bullying is being made to look acceptable.”
“It’s unbelievable the level of woman-hating directed at lesbians; I feel especially sad and angry for young lesbians who have lost the most and are being gaslighted.”
“I feel it is lesbian culture erasure that is the problem.”
“Thank God for the three women at the heart of the LGBA!”
“Lesbian girls and women are being convinced they are trans, further reducing the number of gender non-conforming role models.”
“I’m not a lesbian myself, but it seems to me like this lesbian erasure has really emboldened other men who hate lesbians. The hatred, spite and cruelty directed at them on Twitter is very painful to see.”
“History revisionism is connected to lack of role models. The more gender nonconforming and likely same-sex attracted a woman was, the more people redefine her as not-a-woman.”
“If lesbians cannot meet only with women then none of us women can. Even though I am heterosexual I deeply respect lesbians need and want to meet exclusively other lesbians be it for drinks or bookclubs and I too wish to most of the time spend free time exclusively with other women so if not even lesbians can meet exclusively on obvious stuff like dating sites then what happens to all the rest of us when we want space with no men in it like maternity wards, prisons etc?”
“There are a lot of older wise and courageous lesbians but I worry about young girls exploring their sexuality.”
“I’m a bisexual woman and although I’ve never been into the scene, I’d always know of safe lesbian spaces in my area. Nowadays most of the women only groups I’m in also accept trans identified men and I don’t know of any lesbian clubs, spaces etc even though my nearest city has a thriving gay scene.”
“Oh I could write forever on this topic. I’m a lesbian – single – and I won’t use dating apps as they’re full of men. Even my women camping groups get infiltrated by men in woman-face, and the amount of fawning makes me want to vomit. There are no lesbian groups near me; I’m lucky in that I have a good group of lesbian friends but we all live miles away from each other and there’s no-where we can meet where no men are present.”
“I came out in the ‘homophobic’ 80s, but at least we had spaces that were reliably lesbian. Now that’s not there for young women. I don’t know how they cope.”
“For me lesbians and children are that target of this discourse.”
“I’m over 40. I’ve finally FINALLY comes to terms with being same sex attracted. I want the time and space to explore this, slowly, gently. I don’t have that choice now. I’ve been subject to male violence so frequently. Most recently, a week ago when a man shattered the perspex screen I was working behind. It’s unsurfaced a lot of other, similar, trauma. Why can’t I find a single sex safe space? Why am I being shamed for this?”
“I am not a lesbian, but I am very angry on behalf of my lesbian sisters for what is happening to their culture at such a rapid pace. I am going to meet with my radical feminist group today. Most of the women in the group are lesbians. We have to meet in secret because they are incredibly concerned for their safety, and their concern is not overblown. Men who think they are women are enacting rape culture against lesbians. They further marginalize lesbians when they seek to manipulate the speech of others. Young lesbians are turning into “trans men” left and right. I worry for my female students who I know are likely to grow up to be lesbian women, because they are inundated with “trans” and “queer” culture at every turn. They deserve to be their full, authentic selves and to be supported as lesbians. Any suggestion that they may be “trapped in the wrong body” is nothing more than conversion therapy.”
“The lesbian community is already hard to find this just makes it more invisible.”
“I’m a lesbian and its awful. There are no places for us. Trying to find a partner is scary since I’m genuinely concerned to be catfished by a man using online services (filters and so on). Also a vast majority are female but identify as something else or are favour of it and do not want to talk to someone gender critical because that will mean they get shunned from their “lbgtq”-circles and friends.”
“The issues for lesbians is most difficult for younger lesbians in my country. I’m older and we already have our social networks, but those have been forced underground. And therefore we can no longer be seen as role models for younger lesbians. All our clubs, social media groups etc. are invaded by “male lesbians” and their supporters.”
“Equality should mean just that, women should be entitled to our own exclusive groups, safe spaces, clubs etc. as should men, black people, white people, disabled people, different religions etc.”
“The same old misogyny, hidden behind (and protected by) the rainbow flag.”
“All the censoring and telling women they just have to accept whomever gives them attention, not letting them choose who they are attracted to are a huge step backwards.”
“I collect Lesbian memorabilia (photographs, writing, Art, and documentation, etc.) for Lesbian archives. I am concerned that it may be ignored, thrown away, called “trans” or destroyed.”
“Straight men have always felt threatened by lesbians. Social media FB etc give incels, agps and men who want sex with children a voice and spread their ideas with no consideration of the impact on women and children.”
“It is absolutely horrible that there are no safe spaces where lesbians can gather. I’m so very sad and angry about it.”
“Gender ideology has posed an actual threat to both lesbian culture and to the lesbians’ safety and well-being. People literally talk about how to overcome the “cotton ceiling” and lesbians, especially the young ones are pressured into sex with “lady dicks” under the name of being inclusive. Otherwise they are announced as transphobic.”
“As a woman who loves women who took a long time to overcome societal pressure and shame, I am very worried that young girls who might be lesbians are being taken down some horrific path of no return and also given the false idea that a girl cannot be like this – IE GNC and liking other girls, that if they’re like that they must be a boy. This is so regressive and narrow.”
“I am not a lesbian but I am a survivor of extreme male violence and when I see lesbians being pressured like this I feel it is like rape culture and it is lesbophobic.”
“Once again homophobic rhetoric rears its head and women’s choices are denied.”
“The implications for lesbian women really is a depressing barometer of where society is really at when it comes to issues of sex equality and respect for women as women. I’m not lesbian but I’m so angry at the same sex-attracted women to be effectively cancelled. It’s appalling. The ease with which people who see themselves as enlightened or progressive or an LGBT ally sit back and allow.”
“Currently on dating website looking for other lesbians. 1 in 10 are men but I can’t complain or it will be seen as being transphobic.”
“All of this upsets me a lot. I am straight. But I can see how wrong it is. If all the gender non-conforming women are now to be classified as men, the suffocating ‘feminine gender’ box becomes even more restrictive (and I don’t fit it at all, besides being straight). My daughter is in a lesbian relationship and somewhat masculine presenting. I hope she stands firm against this nonsense. I am just glad she is not trying to date right now. The presence of males on lesbian dating apps and in lesbian bars/clubs claiming to be lesbians is totally unacceptable.”
“Lesbian space just seems to have disappeared.”
“As with other aspects of the debate, the assault on women is happening far more than on men. There isn’t the push for gay men to accept transmen to the extent lesbians are being told they must accept transwomen into their dating pool.”
“Personal experience as a young teenager (~15yo) : mentioned being a lesbian to a psychiatrist, was barely able to finish my sentence before said psychiatrist started asking if I felt like I identified as something else than a girl.”
“I am not a lesbian but am infuriated by the move to eradicate them and really feel for my lesbian friends who seem to be under constant attack.”
“I am a lesbian, and I have been one for over 40 years, it makes me tamping mad to see lesbian erasure of one sort or another most every day.”
“To me it is clear that sexual attraction is a fundamentally biological experience – we do talk about ‘having chemistry’ with someone we’re attracted to. The idea that it is gender attraction is totally preposterous to me.”
“I’m not a lesbian so feel unable to speak directly on their behalf, however I stand in solidarity with them as same sex attracted women to have the right not to want to have any relations with men, no matter how they identify.”
“As a founder member of the Lesbian Rights Alliance we have been campaigning against lesbian erasure for many years – we have created a website for young lesbians but there needs to be far more lesbian visibility and how positive it is being lesbian.”
“It is underpinned by hatred of women.”
“I’m spitting angry about it.”
“I am a lesbian and old enough and mentally strong enough to insist that lesbians are women loving women and I know a woman is an adult human female, and that is ground I would die defending.”
“I have been a lesbian for most of my adult life. I am older now but I really fear for the women now who are at the stage I was 50 years ago. We have gone backwards in terms of lesbian rights and culture.”
“It is becoming increasingly homophobic again.”
“I am a lesbian and have felt the disappearance of lesbians for the past 15 years, this is when, where I live, lesbian bars all shut down, and “queer” became a thing instead. But of course it is vastly worse now. I feel there are very very few lesbians that are under age 55, I can’t tell you the last time I met a younger women who disclosed she was a lesbian!”
“There is a collective rape culture going on against lesbians publicly. Since long we know that men fantasise about having sex with lesbians. That’s why there is so much “lesbian” porn. To think that those men claiming to be lesbians don’t have the same motivation as those men jerking off to pretend lesbians in porn is just naive and stupid. We lesbians have lost most of our safe spaces, and no one cares, because today we are expected to make sure that men feel safe in our spaces. It is really painful to see lesbians buying this and helping those men get access to our spaces and our bodies.”
“If anyone wanted to know how misogynistic the trans agenda is, they only have to look at the way lesbian women are treated by the trans train – it is coercive and rapey.”
“I run a women only travel group and I run the risk of being prosecuted if I don’t allow trans people attend. So far I have screened my clients and mainly keeping it underground but it’s a matter of time. Lesbians are being coerced to sleep with the opposite sex in order to not be bullied, threatened and isolated from their community. This is rape. We are no longer permitted our safe, women only spaces. This is just so wrong. I fought and marched for decades for women’s rights and now men come along and declare women are no longer…we can’t use our words anymore. Lesbians don’t exist and we are transphobic and terfs for not wanting to sleep with them. How is this even legal?”
“I am not a lesbian as far as I know. But #IStandWithLesbians.”
“I am not a lesbian but I believe in women’s self-determination and young lesbians need a lesbian culture to find their feet and be confident and unapologetic about who they are.”
“Where I have ticked “a little” it’s not because I’m not concerned it’s just that my priorities are with children.”
“I think lesbians are strong and have good role models but am concerned at the strength of the LGBT+ increasing infringement on their right to assert their same sex only attraction excluding men who claim to be women.”
“Lesbians and lesbian culture need to be protected at all costs. It’s too important to erase and needs to grow healthy and strong.”
“Gender ideology is homophobic in essence and I am appalled to see young women being gaslighted and accused of bigotry for rejecting sexual partners that are male, lesbians do not have any need or obligation to accept sex with men on the basis that they ‘feel’ like women. I can’t imagine how awful it would feel to force yourself to have intercourse with a person that repels you sexually out of fear, let alone being raped or abused by such person.”
“I think it is offensive and hateful to suggest lesbians are “transphobic” for not wanting to have sex with someone with a male body. And sickening that their sexual abuse by these people is not being recognised.”
“I’m aware of it and see it as another form of misogyny.”
“IT is RAPE no women should have to sleep with anyone they do not want to in fear of being hurt emotionally or physically. Blackmailing someone to have sex because you threaten cancel culture is rape.”
“As a heterosexual woman this does not directly affect me, but I’m appalled by the bullying of lesbians and the “transing” of gender non conforming children.”
“The threat to lesbians is terrifying. These women have fought for decades for the right to love women. A woman is an adult human female. A man is not.”
“I am not a lesbian but I support lesbians’ right to SAY NO TO MEN. I am sorry there isn’t more support and visibility of lesbian women who aren’t transitioning. I have personally had lesbian women role models myself and I think lesbian representation is important for all women, especially young lesbian women.”
“Along with safeguarding, and the detranstioners, the issues young lesbians are facing is up there at the top of the list of despicable impacts of this ideology.”
“The homophobia I encountered as a child led to my feelings of alienation from myself as a female person. Conservatives thought that lesbians weren’t “real women” and needed to be forced to have sex with men. Now, “progressives” think gender-nonconforming lesbians are actually “trans men” or, if not, are required to have sex with “trans women” (men) to prove they’re not bigots who deserve loss of livelihood, sexual violence, or death.”
“Lesbians deserve their spaces to themselves, without men, without even non-lesbian women if they want, and it’s very typical and patriarchal that men are trying to force themselves into those spaces and to co-opt what they can’t control: women not attracted to men.”
“Where have the lesbians gone? Young lesbians call themselves queer…I want to scream, “You are just fine the way you are!” My lesbian relatives should be honored and now they are seen as an enemy to men. It’s insidious.”
“I am not lesbian but am horrified at the current attitudes towards them and the impact of TRA’s on their lives.”
“I’m straight, so am not part of the lesbian scene, although some of my friends are lesbians. I stand with them in resisting misogyny.”
“How many women have been coerced into sex with people whose bodies repel them? Women are being raped it needs to stop.”
“Along with the harms to children this is the other scandal of gender identity ideology, the attempt to deny lesbians their own spaces and to deny same sex attraction.”
“It stinks. Another patriarchal take over.”
“Lesbian Visibility Day is mostly being ignored by lgbtqi*++%? social media sites. The word “lesbian” is disappearing in the word “queer”. No butches in the super inclusive media, e.g. Netflix.”
“I am concerned about all of these things a great deal. I am not a lesbian myself. But I fear for the safety and well being of my lesbian sisters.”
“It affects us all as it further erases sex full stop. And it further highlights a terrifying misogyny as the same is simply not happening to men.”
“Did not answer question 43. Please exclude bisexuals from the lesbian survey. Including them is lesbian erasure.”
“I am not a lesbian myself, but I am not very feminine or gender-conforming. So I always felt welcome and safe with lesbians who are gender-nonconforming. They showed me that life doesn’t have to revolve around men and how they perceive you. That was very comforting for me as a bisexual girl growing up. I can’t imagine being a lesbian girl nowadays.”
“Many of my lesbian friends tell me that, if they were growing up now, they have absolutely no doubt that they would be pressured into believing they were boys. We worked tirelessly in the past to hold the truth that girls can be ‘masculine’ and boys can be ‘feminine’. I think women did better with this. I truly believe that what needs to happen is that the category of man needs to expand to accept ‘feminine’ boys in their number rather than insisting that the category of woman expands to include boys and men.”
“Pansexuality is also being used as a way to erase bisexuality in order to be more “inclusive”.”
“This is homophobia, rape and emotional abuse. Women are being told to ‘unlearn their genital preferences’, that their lack of arousal is transphobia. They are being gaslit into surrendering their bodies and then having to live with the trauma of what they have done. Young gay people are being drugged up and chopped up so as to not make society uncomfortable. Again, we should all be ashamed of ourselves.”
“There seems to be little lesbian visibility in society and many lesbians tend to be gender-non-conforming, since they don’t care to conform to expected looks and behavior that should attract men and the male gaze. It’s not because they are “more masculine”! They are women who love and are attracted to other women. Women who don’t mind penises are not lesbians, but possibly bisexual. That they are now pressuring actual lesbians into accepting people with penises as their sex partners is homophobic and promotes rape culture. Many women, regardless of their sexual orientation, struggle to say no and set boundaries, because we are taught that having boundaries is exclusive and unkind. In today’s “inclusive” culture, many women are worried they will be judged as unkind if they look after themselves. Dating is always “exclusive” and discriminatory. It reeks of the narcissistic demand for special treatment that some males with penises expect lesbians to have sex with them and to manipulate the public into thinking lesbian women are “transphobic” for not wanting to sleep with them. Homosexuals don’t try to “convert” heterosexual people into sleeping with them, and the other way around, usually. Sexual abuse seems to be hailed as “inclusive”. Many young lesbians are being told they are transmen, which is basically an attempt to “correct” their sexual orientation. I am shocked that hardly anyone sees how regressive and homophobic this movement is. It relies on conservative stereotypes and attempts to change sexual orientation of gender-non-conforming people. I am very worried that girls and women are being gaslighted into doubting their instincts about predatory (male) behavior. Children are taught to believe a man who says he is a women is a woman. This is not only confusing, but also dangerous, because they will miss the red flags of a predator/abuser. Sexual coercion is a great problem in society, and I feel that the aggressive trans activists are demanding that sexually coercive behavior be normalized. Women are told that their boundaries do not matter, that they are unkind and unempathetic if they say no to a “transwoman”. Males showing up on lesbian dating sites makes it even more difficult for lesbians to find a partner and they will be confronted with unnecessary unpleasant feelings and situations while trying to explain why they don’t want to date a person with male genitalia.”
“I am a lesbian myself and hence experience all of the above.”
“The abundance of porn to younger generations is skewing the idea of lesbian to a porn category only for both sexes who watch.”
“TRA’s say “I’d rather have a living daughter than a dead son” but what a lot of them mean is “I’d rather sterilize my child into being straight than have a healthy homosexual kid”.”
“I’m especially concerned about the conversion therapy rhetoric. “What if you meet the right trans woman” in particular… how does no one see this as the same lesbophobia bs as always…”
“It is shocking. And suspicious that lesbians are being targeted more vociferously than gay men. I surmise that transmen are less outspoken than transwomen. How true to gender norms is that?”
“I am a role model nobody sees… We started meeting in places making sie (sic) only lesbians know about. No Queers or men allowed in. For our own protection. (Had to do that 40yrs ago so been there done that).”
“Lesbians are extremely limited in terms of safe places to meet secretly without men. Lawyers need to figure out how lesbians can set up (affordable) private gatherings where it is legal to exclude men.”
“I’m not a lesbian but a very close person in my life is. I’m so, so worried for her. Dating is a minefield for her.”
“I am incandescent by the reality of hatred against lesbians from this gender identity bullshit. It seems misogyny is so interwoven that it is invisible, so this lesbian hatred is par for the course. We would naturally have rallied the world over by now. Only they’re medicalizing us out of existence at a rate that would make the gynocidal forefathers of “medicine” rejoice. I am so deadly concerned for my sisters and for myself.”
“Gender ID is homophobic. There is no greater transgression of sex role stereotypes than lesbianism in a global male supremacy. Women will never be free from oppression if we can never be free from males.
“Same sex orientation has been buried by gender identity dogma.
“Schools need to provide far more representation of lesbians of all types so girls can recognise themselves and have role models.”
“I am extremely concerned about this. The inherent rape culture here is shocking. What I personally find hard is lesbians who think that there’s no problem with other lesbians feeling compelled to form relationships with a trans woman. I have a lesbian friend who implies that I’m a bigot and/or stupid and don’t understand because I’m married (to a man) – basically I have no right to talk about this. I see it as a serious societal issue. I’d also like to add to the lesbian erasure here that there’s also something similar going on with bisexuals. Bisexuality now means to many that you’re essentially ‘pansexual’. They do not understand why bisexual people would have any issue with, say, a trans woman, when we are attracted to both sexes anyway.”
“My little sister is a lesbian and the things going on right now have me so worried for her. My sister going through the exact issues mentioned in this section is a big part of the reason I came to have these views. I am disgusted by the treatment of lesbians. It’s like the same gross men who used to say “maybe you just haven’t met the right man yet, I bet I could turn you straight” have now put on lipstick and wigs and switched to saying “you WILL learn to like dick or I will get you fired”. But now instead of calling them predatory creeps, society is praising them and putting them in positions of power over women.”
“A lesbian is by definition a woman who is emotionally AND sexually attracted to other women. This is not ambiguous. A woman is an adult human female (XX chromosomes). It took a long time for lesbians to be seen as an actual distinct group of people, deserving of the protections of the law. For that to be eroded so deeply and so soon is demoralizing and is dangerous for lesbians.”
“I believe that many young women who are lesbian and bisexual get swept up in gender identity, which depoliticizes them. I also believe that many bisexual women internalize biphobia and are ashamed of being attracted to men. Being non binary, for example, alleviates that because they are always “queer.””
“Men have always wanted to forcibly convert lesbians to compulsory heterosexuality; gender ideology is the newest form of this, and is very successful because the Left falsely believes gender ideology is “progressive”.”
“I think ‘affirmative’ treatment of gender non-conforming children is the new gay conversion therapy.”
“There used to be a lively, prolific and open lesbian culture in New York city and elsewhere in the 1980’s and it’s almost all disappeared. It started to disappear during the AIDS crisis.”
“I’m not lesbian but have many friends who are. So I am less concerned for myself more as a general rage at how we are being erased and bullied.”
“I am not lesbian but a somewhat gender nonconforming straight woman. It infuriates me that I am allowed to exist but lesbians are not.”
“I am glad that when I discovered I was a lesbian about 15 years ago I didn’t have to deal with today’s gender ideology. I’m not sure I wouldn’t have fallen prey to it as an insecure teenager. I hope the tides turn and being a lesbian stops being devalued so much.”
“I find it very frustrating because when I encounter people stating that lesbians can be with transwomen, I know they are not reasoning correctly. They don’t try to. They have convinced themselves that a political position is more true than logic. They are shutting down your claims that water is wet with “actually many people say it isn’t”.”
“It affects me personally as I am a lesbian. It also promotes rape culture when transwomen tell lesbians they have to have sex with them. If lesbians are “disappeared” who is next?”
“The last question, #44, speaks very much to my experience growing up in the US South in the 1980s. The idea that women could be attracted to women AT ALL wasn’t anywhere in the cultural narrative – the few places it came out was making jokes about women with very short hair being ‘lesbians’. That was it. The idea that girls growing up now are being told that if they like girls they must be a boy is every bit as damaging as denying that homosexual attraction between women can exist at all.”
“Lesbian erasure, the threats women received for not accepting “girl dick,” is what made me politically active. I can’t help what other parents allow to be done to their children, but women being coerced into unwanted sexual activities bc of this gender fairy tale is a horror I can speak out against quite clearly.”
“I am a bi-sexual woman & I’ve had very dear homosexual friends. Lesbians & women have always needed their own spaces, and certain trans-identified men have ALWAYS wanted to “get in” (like Mich Fest). I find trans ideology to be HOMOPHOBIC in many respects, and it has had a negative impact on the LGB acceptance I’ve advocated for my entire adult life. The idea that a man thinks he is a lesbian is ridiculous, and yet MEN have appropriated this word, taken over all the venues, so that it’s nearly impossible for actual lesbians to meet – even illegal (as declared in Tasmania). This is NOT what I fought for!”
“As a lesbian myself, lesbian erasure is one of my greatest fears. I hate how my generation (Gen Z) has twisted the word “lesbian” into something meaningless. There are some times where I feel lesbian culture has been completely erased because of gender nonsense. I honestly fear for the future generation of lesbians.”
“I was raised in a deeply conservative cult, where I didn’t even have the words to describe my sexuality. When I finally left, the freedom and relief of being free to be attracted to women was intense. But within only a few years, I found that yet again, my freedom to voice my truth was being curtailed – in the very online spaces where I had first found the language to describe my sexuality.”
“It is entirely unacceptable and organisations must do everything in their power to stop pressuring and changing the definition and practices of lesbians.”
“Western society never got to a place of true acceptance of lesbians, and now it seems to be getting worse. Several of my lesbian friends have transitioned or began to identify as non-binary. I feel I am losing my SSA friend group.”
“This is a topic: I do live in Germany and not in great Britain. Self ID until now is not a reality here (but the chance that Self-ID will become reality soon never was as big as now…). So I am not so much concerned about this topic at the moment, as I would be, if I would live in Great Britan. Mostly I am concerned and very much displeased about that it has become “transphobic” and “hateful” to mention human sex. And especially the female sex. Cause if I want to talk about violence against women, if I want that violence and discrimination against women is measured correctly, if I want to talk about the moral crime of sexbuying and the Nordic Model: I do have to mention sex – of the offenders as well as of the victims. And therefore: I am also concerned about sexbuyers and other violent womenhaters who claim that they would be women themselves (at the age of >60 f.e.!) and then get all women’s rights!”
“It’s the ultimate misogyny.”
“Lesbian groups promote men AND bisexual women over lesbians. Lots of bi women with little to no experience with women have found they are rewarded for retconning their heterosexual experiences as lesbian and enabling these homophobic males with a conversion fetish. Lesbians don’t have allies among bi women either. They’re happy to replace us.”
“They need to stop giving men women’s prizes and explaining they’re lesbians. We have eyes.”
“My 14 years old daughter has recently come out as same sex attracted. I am very concerned that she, and other young women, will no longer even have the safety that the lesbian community used to offer. Where can young people go when the LGB has been taken over by the T and actually become homophobic?”
“I am lesbian. I am horrified that we as a tribe are being marginalised/erased and even more concerned about the young women who are same sex attracted, and the pressures put on them anyway even before this trans fashion/cult.”
“I am really upset about this. I feel like I’m living in a parallel universe. I will not be erased; I will not be told that as a lesbian I am being transphobic if I refuse to have sex with a person with a penis.”
“We cannot let this happen. The end aim is to erase not only Lesbians, but along with them, all women of all sexual orientation, color and origin.”
“I am not a lesbian and have previously thought very little about the lived experience of lesbians. This attack on them and the very existence of same-sex attraction has woken me up.”
“I am actually frightened to date in case we meet up and it was a man catfishing. I get scared of attacks.”
“It’s just homophobia.”
“Because of my age, I don’t experience some of the things I’m aware of that affect younger lesbians.”
“It’s disgusting and wrong on all levels.”
“We cannot meet as a distinct group anymore without being told we are hateful. I worry so much about young lesbians. Women my age have grown up with a lesbian culture, not all good admittedly, but it did clearly exist. Now our bars have closed, everywhere we try to gather, the men and their acolytes turn up. Lesbian as a distinct word has no meaning anymore because it can mean anything.”
“I was there “at the start” of this particular issue. However we do not devote enough air space to those who made it worse for lesbians in the first place – trans men. When lesbians (myself included) first had our spaces overtaken by trans men, we were abused and rejected first by this group, for seeing them as men. Many lesbians struggled over watching good friends mainly amongst the butch lesbians, convert from “gold star” to “man”.. like it was an even more precious status. Testosterone made them not only appear as men but also smell like men and many lesbians, myself included, rejected this, and were abused / ostracized from our communities where this had taken over. We never talk about the toxic behaviour many trans men go through as testosterone totally changes the way they behave. There are equally as many trans widows in the lesbian community as there are in the heterosexual world. Trans men brought their “gender non conforming” associates into lesbian spaces, and suddenly we had trans women who identified as lesbians in our spaces alongside them, as well as gay men happy to have sex with trans men. It was quickly no longer about women. Look closely at what happened to “The Femme Guild” in Australia, or the Coogee women’s pool incident when a trans man rocked up to the pool and insisted it was ok because “he” was not a biological man. Muslim women left the pool and never returned. Is that not a classic little act of male privilege right there? It was a quick and insidious invasion and one that is never talked about, but it was equally as toxic as the one you highlight here.”
“I am absolutely disgusted and ashamed that we have allowed any and all of this to happen at all.”
“I think this is where a lot of the sudden onset ‘trans’ teens are coming from – the fact that being a butch lesbian is no longer even seen as an option, they must be a man. I know butch lesbians but they are all in their 50s, I do not know any young ones because I fear they’re all being told they’re trans. I also cannot believe that here we are, with lesbians basically being told the same thing they were in the 1980s – that ‘you don’t really know you don’t like penis unless you try it’ except now this is under the umbrella of LGBT rather than coming from a straight man. So disappointing. So disgusting. I’m so tired of it. And I do not see the same thing happening to gay men. Probably because women are not as sexually aggressive as men. Surprise, surprise.”
“This GI mov’t is a retrograde re-inscription of sex role stereotypes but now (such a progressive advance) they are attempting to put the power of law behind this oppressive sexist system. This is an attack on radical feminists and lesbians. I believe it is in one way testimony to our power. Lesbian feminism made a difference and men want to stop that. They have groomed a younger generation to believe this is some new way to end sexism. Their knowledge of radical and lesbian feminism is null as much has been erased and kept out of print. We need to remember this horrible backlash is a tribute to our power and understand how vital it is to unite and fight this misogynist, dehumanizing, disassociating cult and new market for the worst of capitalism. Lesbians are being erased which is a totally traditional way to oppress lesbians.”
“Men can NEVER be lesbians. Lesbians have every right to refuse ladydique or anything else that men claim to know or advocate about lesbians. They are Men and will always be SICK men. MEN Can never speak for lesbians as they are men.”
“LGB get the T out. Lesbians love women. Women are adult human females. Leave lesbians alone.”
“I know the pressures of compulsory heterosexuality, the moves that men (just regular ones) will do, to insist that we women must learn to love the penis. The trans pressure for lesbians to “learn to look beyond the genitalia” and all of it are the same thing, only dressed up in a pastel flag and suddenly deemed “progressive.” It’s actually homophobic. I think the pressure on young lesbians in this regard is much higher than anything I ever dealt with around “regular men,” and I think it’s pushing some people into unhealthy directions themselves when it comes to a need to insist that identity is unchanging. For what it’s worth, I have quite a few young lesbians in my (women only) social circles who have dealt with this, including some who married MTF individuals, and hearing their stories is heartbreaking.”
“As a lesbian this saddens and depresses me. I feel entirely isolated from “the gay community”.”
“Very. Concerned about the appropriation of our history. About re-labelling butch lesbians in history as trans or any lesbians who were gender non conforming.”
“It’s not a world I know a whole lot about at this level, and I must admit I hadn’t really thought about lesbian erasure happening. But yes, it makes sense, as part of the larger erasure of women in general. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!”
“I am straight but the treatment of Lesbian women by advocates/ believers of gender ideology leaves me utterly incandescent. I can’t talk about it without feeling enraged.”
“As a lesbian, it’s massively affected my mental health seeing men on dating apps, men wearing dresses and coming to lesbian bars or Meet up events that are supposed to be women only. I find that I no longer have a community and that feels sad and lonely and I’m broadening my circle through my gender critical views as a means of keeping my sanity. It feels like we are living in a parallel universe sometimes, when the basics that lesbians are same sex attracted is questioned even by ‘LGBT+’ organisations. It feels like we are going back to the days of Section 28 where we need to be hidden, but I don’t want to hide.”
“When I was at university two years ago, it was inconceivable that any events ‘for women’ would not automatically be open to ‘women/fem-identifying’ people. This was a highly selective, global top 5 university which prides itself on training future scholars to think outside the box. And yet anyone who would have pointed out the absurdity of male people taking advantage of women’s training programmes or attending lesbian events (for god’s sake!) would have been socially blacklisted. So it felt like the only option was to sit around and be polite to male people who hadn’t transitioned beyond putting lipstick on. With hindsight I wish I had said something because it was a grotesque intrusion. Public lesbianism has always had a political edge which everyone is aware of. I consider the infiltration of lesbian spaces by non-lesbians, and especially men, to be an act, unthinking or not, of undermining female emancipation because this belief in your own entitlement can only be enabled by subjugation. It is morally repugnant, in my view, to stridently announce that the ‘lesbian experience’ has been reconfigured so that it bears very little relation to its original meaning, as if the original meaning served no purpose and as if lesbians do not have a unique experience which deserves its own label. Why would we need a word to describe the collective experience of straight men and lesbians? It doesn’t serve any use – other than to shore up the self-validation of some. In any case, this is nothing new – lesbians are just high-value collateral.”
“All women need to unite together. They come first for the lesbians, then for the rest of us. Keep making it clear that same sex attraction is based on biology and use the ‘gender’ word as little as possible.”
“Men cannot be lesbians. Because they are not women. Period. We have to keep repeating it.”
“I came out as lesbian quite late in life about 4 years ago. I have been desperately wanting to come out all my life, but have had lots of reasons for not being able to. Now that I finally have, I feel like I have to hide it. I feel like I’d be better off back in the closet. I am attracted to females. Not males. But if I state that on dating apps, I get banned for transphobia. The comments made by Nancy Kelly of Stonewall regarding the recent BBC article on lesbians feeling pressured to have sex with trans women made me feel sick to my stomach. The redefining of the word lesbian to include males is homophobic. Lesbians feel like we are being silenced. I have only been to two Pride marches – one before I came out, and one after. Now I feel afraid to go to Pride, and I feel unwelcome. This makes me feel really sad.”
“Lesbians fought for their rights, in a peaceful way, and they are right to feel persecuted by trans people and teams groups. Lesbianism is protected in law.”
“It’s absolutely shocking what is happening to lesbians and especially young lesbians who are trying to understand their sexuality.”
“I think there are great lesbian role models. We need to hear more from them. They are sidelined through no fault of their own.”
“Being a lesbian doesn’t mean you’re a man.”
“Homosexuality is same SEX attracted – The conflation of Sex and Gender is incredibly damaging. Humans cannot change sex. Gender focus will seek to erase Homosexuality by promoting the delusion that if you are gay then you are the wrong sex and that is ludicrous and dangerous. Women are oppressed as a Sex Class and Lesbians are further oppressed because of their SEXuality – Lesbians are at the bottom of the pile and an easy target.”
“As a bisexual woman I find it abhorrent that a man pretending to be a woman can insist that I have a relationship with him. For lesbian women this ideology is essentially erasing their existence and trying to force them to be sexually intimate with people with penises. This is utterly astonishing and extremely disturbing.”
“I am not a lesbian, but understand that people have very strong emotional and intrinsic attraction to certain characteristics and lesbian is one such. No one should be dictating, suggesting, encouraging or otherwise influencing anyone to have any kind of relationship with another human unless it is of mutual consent. This goes for every sexual encounter. Lesbians have always been marginalised, however, this is a whole new level of marginalisation, which must be stopped and if necessary treated as a hate crime.”
“It’s an act of terror to force lesbians back underground for fear or violence, rape and social punishment! How can we find love and community in this climate.”
“Cotton ceiling / lesbian erasure was what brought me to GC Twitter. I couldn’t believe it. There are many, many positive lesbian role models. But they are not being given the voice they deserve. Gender ideology has torn down any Lesbian spaces because they must include men. It will drive gay and Lesbian culture back underground. But we will rebuild and carry on. Young lesbians are at risk of corrective rape. Youth are indoctrinated that sexuality is fluid rather than innate and are pressured to accept men into their spaces rather than being called transphobes.”
“More than erasure…demonizing a reality and choice for many women.”
“Q44 sums up I think why the member of my family who is currently undergoing transition started this process – she had a crush on a female school friend (a perfectly natural incident which may – or may not – have indicated that she would grow up to be a lesbian). I suspect she was then ‘captured’ by social media and was suddenly convinced that she was actually a boy ‘in the wrong body’.”
“I came out in the 80s. There were bars, book shops, pubs. I feel very sorry that young women today are lacking these supports & outlets. Without them I may not have had the courage to come out at all.”
“Having supported gay and lesbians in their fight for acceptance and rights as same-sex attracted people, it is appalling that same-sex attraction is being regarded by some as bigoted.”
“Although not a lesbian, I stand in solidarity with my sisters.”
“Lesbians are seen as fair game and are treated in the most disgusting way. I naively thought gay men would support them but they’ve often been the biggest bullies.”
“I am heterosexual but I am outraged about what is going on especially concerning lesbians and lesbian spaces.”
“As a lesbian who has never conformed I have received more abuse/been ostracised in the last 5 years, within the so called lgbt community & their allies than I did from the general public in the 80s! Just for simply refusing to date men and telling them it’s insulting to tell me I should be a man…ffs. The whole mob are just a bunch of sexist homophobes. I was fighting for gay rights over 40 years ago. It is worse now for lesbians than it was back in the 70s/80s. We are told to transition to be ‘straight men’ Or accept hetero men who see themselves as women. The whole thing is sick. I no longer have anything to do with the so called lgbt community.”
“It’s lesbophobia and misogyny. As old as the hills but in a new guise.”
“I’m the mother of a butch lesbian. I’m very, very glad that she missed the trans train. At 31, she might have barely escaped it.”
“The homophobia of this cult is rampant and undeniable.”
“I am straight but my gnc daughter is bisexual and this trend troubles me on her behalf, as well as on behalf of lesbian loved ones.”
“It’s outrageous that lesbians can’t meet without having to worry about some porn addled male muscling his way in. Even more worrying is the risk to teen girls who are lesbians being pushed in the direction of believing they are really boys and that it is possible to become one, and as a result causing untold damage to their bodies. Boys will soon be following in their footsteps in equal numbers I fear.”
“It’s Rape culture under the guise of progressive social justice.”
“As a lesbian I can vouch for everything above, in deed, I have been kicked out of lesbian social media accounts for sating only women are lesbians.”
“Lesbian erasure is not just pushed by the trans community but by its allies. There are even lesbians who are already coupled pushing single lesbians to accept trans identified males into their dating pool. There’s also the issue that lesbian is being redefined as non-men attracted to non-men, robbing us of the very language we’ve always used to define ourselves.”
“This is at root a true hatred of women who refuse men. Millennia old misogyny wrapped up in a rainbow flag.”
“I am particularly worried about young lesbians who have nowhere to meet and connect with other lesbians.”
“To suggest that males can be lesbians is so offensive that I don’t have words for it. The world is applauding men in dresses for coercing lesbians and any lesbian who objects is a bigot. Males in female only groups in general are abhorrent. Why would a man need to be on a lesbian dating app or an online menopause support group? It is perversion.”
“As a lesbian, I feel I have lost my lesbian spaces due to gender ideology.”
“I see it at school every day. It really frightens and depresses me but it seems many of my colleagues don’t see it/don’t care.”
“Terrified for these women. Especially the young who have dwindling avenues of support available to them.”
“A lesbian is a woman who is attracted to women. Someone with a penis will not be attractive to a lesbian. Everyone has the right to decide who they are attracted to / who they have relationships with.”
“Trans ideology is the most homophobic bullshit I have come across in a long time. it masquerades as progressive. Men have always fantasised about lesbians. It is bad when you go out and they always want to ‘turn you straight’, ‘you just haven’t had sex with a bloke who knows what he’s doing’. Lesbians don’t just experience homophobia, they also experience huge amounts of misogyny. I hate that men from any political angle feel so entitled that they can say lesbians have to fuck men, just to make them feel good. Lesbians are same sex attracted, not gender. Men are bullies towards women, and for a lot of men this is the best way to bully a woman ever. I cannot imagine how awful it must be for young women who look for a lesbian community and find men pretending to be women and they are saying you must have sex with me. The word ‘lesbian’ has always been used as an insult to women, not real women, not wanting men. In men’s eyes women primarily exist to produce babies and to be fucked by them, hence lesbians are the most hated type of woman. The opportunity to destroy the meaning of the word and the culture, and the reality of same sex attraction is one of the nastiest aspects of gender ideology. It is heartbreaking that there are not more strong well-known lesbians, that spaces at university that used to be safe for lesbians are no longer safe, that any lesbian space must include men, or they are ‘transphobic bigots’, actual ‘fascists’… and we all know it is a moral imperative to ‘punch a fascist’. It is sad that Ellen Paige decided she is not a lesbian, but is in fact a man!! She supports body mutilation and drugging of children and performs her trans identifying act which encourages girls who may be wondering if they are lesbians to think that maybe they are boys.”
“I’m not a lesbian but have many lesbian friends and it’s horrid what they’re going through. Their rights were hard earned and not even such a long time ago. Heartbreaking.”
“About lesbian role models: I’m very concerned that even older lesbians feel compelled to suddenly identify as trans or non-binary because of gender identity ideology (not to mention younger ones, for whom the social pressure is even greater). It seems that it’s simply not “cool” to be lesbian anymore, it’s better to be some flavour of trans. I think this is stupid, because sexual orientation is not supposed to be cool or uncool, it just exists. Younger lesbians in particular need role models, but there don’t seem to be that many around these days, especially since if you say you’re only attracted to females, you’re considered a bigot.”
“I am terrified for my 13 year old lesbian daughter. It makes me tearful just thinking about it.”
“It’s so regressive and insidious. It would be easier to battle against old style homophobia. This new version is so full of gaslighting and sinister coercion, it’s like dv on a societal scale.”
“Lesbians are woman and not men.”
“Lesbian erasure has been always a thing, even before gender ideology appearing, but I cannot but notice that this time is even worse because they are going to the core of lesbianism by erasing sex and same sex attraction.”
“It continues, this is just another chapter in a long history of lesbian invisibility. Men co-opting is a farce and infuriating.”
“All of this is just unbelievable. All of it.”
“It obliterates who I am.”
“As a lesbian I find what is happening heartbreaking, and feel a sense of guilt and responsibility to step up for younger women. More recently I’ve met some much younger and very brave lesbians and have been inspired to help create (actually) safe spaces for them. I hate how the rigidity of gender ideology now means that if I see a butch looking woman, that there’s a high chance she will identify “as a man”. I hate that I am no longer sure whether she is in fact an old fashioned butch dyke, or a man invading our spaces. I hate that I have basically given up on dating because alongside all the other drawing shit that this situation is giving me, I just don’t have the energy. I hate that young women are being coerced, raped and gaslit by their communities. But, I have also met more lesbians, witnessed lesbians doing amazing things in the last few years than for far more years beyond that. The Get The L Out action at London pride a few years ago was absolutely instrumental in me shifting from a passively fearful place to a more active one, and to seek out sisterhood. Still somewhat fearful, but more proactive and less alone.”
“I’m one of those whose world is destroyed.”
“It’s like an awful homophobic joke from the 70s that a man can be “a lesbian trapped in a man’s body”.”
“Homophobia, however it is presented, is disgusting. Lesbians have always suffered the brunt of it and just when we were thinking ppl were living in accepting and tolerant times we got hit with this insane gender bs.”
“It’s conversion therapy – a reworking of just take a d*ck you might like it.”
“I don’t think some circles of older generation of lesbians (that are not very politically active) are aware of the threat yet, at least this is how it seems in Germany. The collective gaslighting is infuriating.”
“It feels impossible to go to e.g. a dating app or any other place where one could find relationships as a lesbian, due to my opinions and the fear and anxiety the current atmosphere around gender ideology is causing. It would be impossible to date a person who would be supporting gender ideology, because I’d need to hide my opinions and would be afraid that if my opinions were known, that person would hate my very existence.”
“Transgender ideology is deeply homophobic and is returning us to the dark ages.”
“I had hoped that this would be far less of a problem by now until transgenderism became popular.”
“I am disgusted that men are forcing themselves on women in this way. It sounds like corrective rape.”
“When I was growing up in the 70s, it was a joke among the boys at school that they were lesbians. Some men have obviously taken this a step further to pursue their victimisation of women. Every woman must have the right to deny access to her body to anybody. Men cannot become women, no matter what they have lopped off, nor how many hormones they take. A male cannot be a lesbian and only a criminal pervert would try.”
“We noticed extended lesbian ‘care’ disappearing from a health centre in favor of trans issues, and T being lumped in with Lesbian activities, circa 2007.”
“There are some excellent lesbian role models. They are doing an excellent job in the fight against gender ideology. I am not a lesbian but I have donated to LGB Alliance. I admire Kathleen Stock, Dr Julia Long and Alison Bailey among others.”
“Coercive and muddled language by trans groups on the young.”
“What we’re seeing is the deeply homophobic attempt to coerce lesbians into sleeping with men and to deny their own sexuality in favour of opportunistic males. This is no different to old fashioned homophobia.”
“I’m a straight older woman. I support lesbian rights. Lesbians are women, adult females, not men with fantasies.”
“As a parent I am seeing most of the potentially gay/lesbian kids being pressured to identify as trans.”
“As a lesbian I’m very much affected by this. There are no public lesbian spaces that are safe and we have been forced underground as if we’re living back in the 1950s.”
“I think that a lot of women and lesbians like to see themselves as liberal (feminists), and don’t see the ramifications of men violating women’s & girls ‘protected’ safe spaces. They are so used to defending the ‘apparent’ vulnerable underdog, so used to being kind, so used to propping up men’s egos, so used to obeying men’s demands (particularly men’s sexual demands) that they cannot see the harmful effect of allowing even one man (who says he feels like a woman) into a woman’s/girl’s safe space. It will take visible lawsuits about the harms being perpetrated against women/girls by men (who say they are women/boys) before a lot of eyes will be opened.”
“Throughout history women who don’t comply with being funnelled into heterosexual monogamous relationships have been targeted and vilified by men. This is just another form of that coercion by men – not just to lesbians but by extension all women who can see no viable alternative to heteronormativity.”
“I became aware of being lesbian at a young age when there was a lot of stigma and silence about being lesbian. Things had gradually improved over recent decades. I enjoyed a period in my younger days when I regularly went to lesbian bars, clubs and events. It was an important part of becoming happy with myself and life. I fear for young lesbians in the current climate, where, the veneer of public acceptance of lesbians has been stripped away and lesbians are being driven back in the closet. The outspokenness of a few gender critical lesbians is a positive light and provides a glimmer of hope.”
“I am appalled that Stonewall, of all things, has stated that lesbians are same gender rather than same sex attracted. An organisation set up to help homosexuals has denied their very existence as a protected characteristic. I am very frightened for young lesbians who are being taught to ignore their boundaries.”
“You cannot redefine a whole sexuality to suit your own aims. The word Lesbian is for the sexual attraction between an adult human female and another adult human female. There may well be relationships that are based along gender roles or identities but they need to come up with another word so that there is no confusion. Also insinuating that someone is bigoted, racist or any other slur because they are not attracted to you because of your underlying sex is called coercive rape and no one should have to put up with that. We need to stop redefining words.”
“Lesbian erasure is a hate crime.”
“No one is doing anything about it.”
“This is yet another arena of attack on women, by patriarchal men, and by those women who support patriarchal men.”
“I am not a lesbian but am very upset about what’s happening to lesbians and also to gay men.”
“Lesbian erasure is everywhere. Woman erasure is everywhere. It’s almost impossible to join any type of group anywhere that claims to be for women’s/lesbian’s issues without a disclaimer that this also includes transgender males, and anyone who complains or misgenders will be kicked out.”
“I’ve watched my friend’s experience on the dating site HER – the amount of men on that site wearing lingerie and claiming she/her or they/them status is completely absurd. She wouldn’t say it out loud, but she doesn’t like them being on the site and has given up on online dating – I strongly believe in part due to the influx of men claiming to be lesbians.”
“Trans is homophobic.”
“It is conversion therapy, hidden in plain sight.”
“It is the most despicable erasure of lesbians as being same-sex attracted.”
“I used to love lesbian nights at university in 1990s. The atmosphere was amazing. These days I would avoid anything like that, and online dating because they are full of men in dresses. I would rather be single.”
“I don’t know much about lesbian culture which is why I have only put “a moderate amount”. I think if I were more a part of this group of people I would be much more upset, but because it does not come up in my day to day life, I am less aware of what is going on – and therefore less bothered by it. I expect if I were a lesbian or had a lesbian relative I would be apoplectic about what is happening.”
“I already meet secretly because it is not safe for lesbians to do otherwise. As I’ve stated before because I am black and very visible I try to keep a low profile. I don’t go to places where my photo will be taken and shared. I keep quiet. I am part of a lesbian group and I stay off social media and other platforms. I don’t seek out other lesbians because I know all those sites have been captured by men and I do not wish to be exposed to them. I feel very sorry for the younger lesbians because they are not getting access to authentic lesbian role models. They are being deliberately groomed for abuse and sexual violence by men and then they head-fuck them so that they lose their sense of self and have their mental health compromised. It’s so lesbophobic. It’s all truly scary and just feeds into my anxiety. I know eventually that I will have to step out in public because these lesbophobic crimes are totally unacceptable.”
“I am a heterosexual woman and feel that no one has the right to determine who I am sexually attracted to or on what basis that attraction exists, and I find the gaslighting of lesbians to be abhorrent. Men cannot change sex, and a man who is attracted to women is heterosexual regardless of how he chooses to identify. To expect lesbians to validate men who think or feel they are women at the expense of a marginalised group whose commonality is based on sexuality is appalling on so many levels.”
“Historically men have dominated all political activism, this is patriarchy perpetrated by Stonewall and other ‘gay rights groups ‘ dominated by men.”
“I am not a lesbian but I am appalled by the effect trans isolating has had on this group – more men abusing women and being able to claim moral superiority.”
“I am not lesbian and do not have a close lesbian friend; however, that does not stop me from feeling so concerned and angry about what is happening to young women who are lesbian. It’s all pretty obvious, right? Women who are not available to have sex with a penis are of no use to men. Transgender ideology gives them two choices: have sex with a straight man who successfully claims he is a lesbian with the support of woke lies or tragically disfigure your female body and become a man [which will never be fully successful]. How on earth a liberal, caring nation allow these lies to have validity is insane – it is clearly breaking all human rights. My heart bleeds for those girls.”
“Another extreme form of violence against women that is in effect making corrective rape acceptable, desirable even to show how inclusive one is!”
“If my daughter was a lesbian I would be deeply worried for her emotional and physical well being in this current climate. Coercive behaviour is being displayed against lesbians and they are constantly presented as thinking ‘wrongly’.”
“I’m not just concerned about this, I’m absolutely furious that anyone who calls themself a feminist or feminist ally or supporter of women’s rights or against homophobia/ lesbophobia should ever ever think that it’s ok that lesbians are called transphobic for refusing to accept that a man can be a lesbian. Furious. Also, no surprise that straight men are not being targeted in the same way- so what does that tell us about the agenda of these particular trans ideologists? Meanwhile, we’re still here, maybe going underground for a while.”
“Q44 is already a frightening reality –“
“This has all happened to me. I have now even lost “progressive” friends for saying that males are not lesbians and I don’t want to date them. All this has come along as I have tried to come out in my late 30s. It’s positively criminal how badly the LGBT community are handling this. They have to start protecting the actual vulnerable members of it. What’s happening now is not fair on lesbians who just need our own space. If this was happening to gay men to the same level one can be sure that the community would be taking it a lot more seriously but as it is ‘only’ lesbians no one seems to care.”
“This is not happening in the same way with gay men.”
“Lesbian women seem to be taking most of the abuse from this and have always struggled to be accepted by society as they’re viewed in a negative light to entertain men’s fetish. They are not accepted by society in the same way gay men are and with gender ideology it has been far worse as the abuse towards lesbian women is much higher.”
“This is particularly troubling as the number of girls seeking transitioning has increased so much.”
“Young lesbians have never been so under pressure to become ‘boys’ and this is all online and peer pressure.”
“It feels like we have gone back 30 years…. I now make a point of saying I am a lesbian so I can be ‘out and proud’!”
“It’s not like lesbians were high profile to start with, unlike gay men.”
“I first became aware of this awful situation at a WPUK conference workshop. I was very moved and angry to hear the testimonies of lesbians about what was happening, the erasure of lesbian culture and spaces. Especially as in the past (late ’80’s to mid ’90’s) I worked as a youth arts worker and ran many groups for young women only which were attended by many young lesbians as well as there being groups and services specifically for young lesbians at that time.”
“It also upsets me that on lists of lesbian icons and power lists and the like that men are now appearing on them. I am concerned about young lesbians being transed/medicalised.”
“A disgusting, disgraceful, misogynistic, perverse & homophobic movement tells lesbians they should sleep with tim.”
“The stupid and false axiom ‘Trans Women Are Women’ is, as Helen Joyce points out the ‘0=1 assumption’ from which all this madness can follow. That is why it cannot be adopted. I am fine with using polite pronouns on a personal one to one basis but they cannot be enforced across the board nor can language and belief systems be twisted to fit this nonsensical ‘kindness’. We simply have to reject the idea that men can become women. They can’t. They can present as women but that is not and never will be the same.”
“The ban on “Conversion Therapy” should also apply to trans activists and individuals pressurising lesbians to accept “lady dick”. This is tantamount to coercive rape as being practised still in e.g. Uganda.”
“As a lesbian all I can say is that there is no lesbian culture anymore and everything else you have listed are not just concerns it is very much reality and happening. Never did I think we would have to start meeting in secret again but here we are when the state gives permission to men to call themselves women it was never just going to stop there. Men identifying as themselves as women and then claiming to be lesbians and encouraged to do so by LGBT lobby groups is the height of misogyny and homophobia. So I’m hardly surprised young girls are identifying as male or nb to be left alone and not ostracised from the group.”
“I have a fair amount of lesbian role models, through being gender critical.”
“I am an older lesbian, what is happening is so regressive, I thought we had fought all our battles but now we have to fight all over again!”
“As a lesbian, this is a huge area of concern for me. I’m completing this survey the week that the BBC published the article on the ‘cotton ceiling’ and the backlash it received has actually made me lose sleep and I’ve been very upset at the erasure of lesbians’ experiences of sexual violence. Stonewall’s CEO statement in that piece implying same-sex attraction is akin to racism is disgusting. I belong to a ‘secret’ group of lesbians as it is the only place we can be ourselves now. All of the mainstream LGBT organisations have deserted us as indeed are proactively against same-sex attracted people now.”
“Sadly it’s nothing new from patriarchy.”
“It is just mind blowing that it has come to this: that lesbians can’t organise and meet in female-only settings. That men can push themselves on women and it’s the women who are being criticised for not wanting it. It’s disgusting.”
“Stonewall etc., are homophobic.”
“A lesbian is a homosexual female, the fact that that is controversial blows my mind.”
“I am a lesbian. Non men loving non men is how people my age define lesbian now. I am a woman, not a non man.”
“The erasure of women has a bigger impact on lesbians.”
“Lesbian erasure is something that upsets me quite a lot. I am Arab and grew up in a Muslim household so it was extremely difficult for me to come to terms with the fact that I was a lesbian. There was a time in my early adolescence where I was scared to even say it out loud to myself. Now I have reached a point in my life where I finally feel comfortable being a lesbian only to find that lesbian spaces are disappearing or bending to the validation of biological males that claim to be females – something that I do not believe is my responsibility whatsoever. To see males who claim to be female despite putting zero effort into appearing female whatsoever label themselves as lesbians makes a complete mockery of my experience as an actual lesbian. It is deeply insulting and I think it is rooted in a fetishisation of lesbians and of being a lesbian more than anything else. I’ve noticed that a lot of events (club nights etc.) geared towards lesbians being able to meet one another have abandoned that word all together as if it is something dirty that is not to be touched due to its exclusivity in favour of “more inclusive” yet somewhat nebulous terms such as queer and often prioritise the inclusion of males who claim to be lesbians over actual lesbians. I also believe that the notion that a lesbian who refuses to date or engage in sex with a biological male claiming to be a woman is somehow bigoted or transphobic to be deeply homophobic and undermines the fact that my lesbianism is immutable. I am not ‘same-gender attracted’, I am attracted to the same sex and sorry but genitals are an important part of that. Social media rhetoric and placards at protests with slogans such as ‘suck my dick you fucking terf’ aimed towards lesbians who explicitly state their same-sex attraction comes to mind. Even if you look at reports published by Stonewall (an organisation that I am not in favour of) over the past ten years or so you can see how over time the usage of the word lesbian has sharply declined in favour of placing a spotlight on transgender people. Ultimately, whilst trans activism and gender identity ideology hurts women, it specifically hurts lesbians, not gay men or bisexuals.”
“I am not lesbian but always have and always will, defend their right to love whom they want and be recognised as same sex (not gender) attracted. The idea of lesbians having a penis is both horrifying and laughable.”
“I’m more worried for young lesbians as we older ones can take care of ourselves.”
“Are you concerned about the lack of lesbian role models? More with the lack of lesbian role models who hold GC views. The only one I can think of is Martina Navratilova and only when it comes to sports. Sarah Paulson has openly condemned JKR for example.”
“I have been called a terf, backward thinking, transphobic and told to educate myself by transwomen on lesbian fb sites. These sites are monopolised by trans identified men. The majority of lesbians stay out of discussions and I know this is because of fear of a pile on or being called transphobic. It’s a few Tws and their allies who monopolise. Trans issue is always raised by them. No matter what the issue they always seem to make it about them. It stifles the fb sites. My wife was admin in one site and left because the other admin was in her view overly concerned about deleting requests which were from men. My wife and I have created a private fb group and only add people who are GC. We now have a great group of about 30 women who we meet with go camping etc. We have created our own safe lesbian only space. We do this under the radar… it feels like we are back in the bad old days. This works for us but the young lesbians are missing out on the support of us older lesbians at a time when they really need it. I could weep when I think about those poor young women. They have to avoid being transed or pressured to accept: “lady dick.” Aka penis.”
“All part and parcel of the ongoing misogyny that lesbians have had to deal with since time began.”
“It speaks to a deeper issue with male supremacist attitudes and behaviour, which is a concern for all women.”
“There are three distinct categories of legally protected characteristics here being wilfully disregarded by the government: children, females and homosexuality. It is an appalling demonstration of systemic discrimination against women and lesbians that companies, organisations, institutions, charities and services are being allowed to include male people in the category of “lesbian”, let alone that lesbians are being sanctioned, silenced and harassed for objecting to the above or simply being clear what it means to be a lesbian. This is before we even account for the fact that much of this is being led by the charity that was founded and still claims to represent the rights and interests of lesbians. Female children being told they are boys is child abuse and when it is based in any aspect of potential or developing sexuality it is homophobic child abuse.”
“So many events have been cancelled- eg. Michigan women’s music festival and Women inTune (a music festival in Wales), due to the invasion and imposition through threats of transgender activism. Lesbian festivals and camps in Australia went underground (private) years ago, with the result of less contact and attendance of new lesbians.”
“Lesbianism has been the outstanding resistance against male domination. The fact that males have found a way to infiltrate is threatening not only lesbians, but all women who no longer have a model, or referent outside compulsory heterosexuality. All this beside the obvious violation to lesbians’ safety, dignity and privacy. It amounts to social and political endorsement of rape.”
“It is a wonderful part of our social makeup. It saddens me to see this group even more marginalised because of sex based choices. I am also horrified with the infiltration of males into lesbians’ spaces.”
“I’m not lesbian but these things are hugely concerning.”
“I am very concerned that lesbian culture and safe spaces are being erased. Men are not women and so not lesbians. It is a way to try and trick lesbians into sleeping with men.”
“Though I’m straight, I feel it’s imperative that I stand up for my lesbian sisters. I’m concerned when I hear about the “cotton ceiling”, how every woman’s group is now an all genders welcome group, and every dating app allows men in drag to harass lesbians and call them “genital fetishists” for having no interest in a male partner. It’s just repackaged homophobia, and corrective rape.”
“I think there are role models they don’t get media attention.”
“If girls attracted to other girls are told that this means they must be a boy then this is a silly heteronormative, sexist conclusion. It is not inclusive. It is misogynistic. All my life, when I have been in pubs with a girlfriend, straight men have hit on us with the “I’m a lesbian too” line thinking they are either funny or sometimes perhaps believing their autogynephilic fantasy. Now we can’t tell them to piss off. They can follow us into the toilets. If we even say “No, mate, you are not!” then we are transphobic. Their word (i.e. self ID) must not be questioned. It’s madness.”
“It’s troubling that lesbianism seems only to be valid as a porn category, not perfectly normal same sex attraction.”
“Gender ideologues say I’m bigoted because I’m same sex attracted. They do not recognise same sex attraction as a positive life choice. Women, gay men and lesbians are threatened with erasure and also threats.”
“Lesbians have had to fight hard for rights and acceptance, now with self ID and any man stating they are a lesbian these rights and acceptance have disappeared.”
“It is misogyny. Men don’t enjoy feeling surplus to requirements.”
“As a bisexual woman I feel desperate to see my lesbian friends being assimilated into the gender cult, with younger friends starting to use they/them pronouns. It seems that being butch, in particular, is no longer acceptable – with transing to male being the preferred option. This feels very sad and regressive to me.”
“I’m very very sad for today’s girls who are lesbians as they are being pushed into identifying out of their sex.”
“We have a young family member who was being pushed into transition by the LGBT group in school. She’s just a young lesbian – she is doing better since meeting another girl but it is incredibly difficult.”
“Horrified by it.”
“I’m not a lesbian but I see this happening for sure.”
“I would say Britain has plenty of fine lesbians who aren’t taking this rubbish and are leading our fight to protect our rights.”
“Lesbians are real and relevant.”
“The younger lesbians are of particular concern. They are being groomed into believing all the GI rhetoric.”
“It is one of the most egregious consequences of adding the T to LGB. In practice these groups do not share the same interests.”
“It’s pure misogyny to say lesbians don’t deserve to be respected as actual females loving other females. Men infiltrating lesbian safe spaces. Identity is like the Trojan Horse. It’s an insult to the hard won rights lesbians have had to fight for. It’s rapey to expect and shame women into accepting the imaginary “lady dick”. I am so disappointed that society is just letting this happen to our lesbian sisters.”
“Lesbians have been persecuted for too long & much more than hetro women. They deserve better.”
“To force lesbians to have sex with men and their penises is rape!”
“In my working life I have met young women who have felt pressured to consider gender transition because they have lesbian desires.”
“Also self-declared “lesbians” who have sex with men, including trans-identified men, who then promote themselves as “inclusive lesbians” and harass us “transphobic/exclusionary lesbians”.”
“I’m bisexual, and I find it horrible how my lesbian sisters are being erased and the very definition of lesbian being changed bit by bit.”
“It’s forcing lesbians back into the closet. It’s very rare I see the word lesbian written down it’s been replaced by gay or queer. Lesbian is becoming synonymous with porn the word is removed from women.”
“It feels like we’re going backwards and can no longer say that we’re lesbians. I have to be more careful than I was- it’s not quite as bad as growing up in the south but it’s as if I have to be open to the idea of being with a man. As a lesbian that’s an impossibility with who I innately love- women. I hate the cotton ceiling and everything about the current destruction of lesbian boundaries and spaces.”
“Lesbian communities have all but disappeared and this is distressing as someone who has been out for a few years, I cannot begin to imagine the isolation of young lesbians trying to figure out their sexuality now. Lesbians have been let down and completely abandoned.”
“The cotton ceiling rhetoric is hideous and distressing.”
“It’s such an insidious phenomenon and has led to a number of young lesbians feeling vilified and encouraged to abandon same sex attraction for an alternative involving body mutilation and chemical castration.”
“Lesbians are being erased and it’s utterly shameful.”
“There are no safe lesbian spaces online or offline.”
“I’m not a lesbian, but I find it horrifying that the liberation so recently attained by women and lesbians has been threatened to the point of erasure. It shouldn’t be a crime to say that lesbians are women who love women. And no one should have to hide or meet secretly. Gay men don’t have this problem. Why is it always the women who suffer? Fed up.”
“I have had experience of this within the family where men ended up running women’s groups at a University. I am horrified by the idea that anyone should be expected to have sex with any other person if they do not want to, regardless of sex or gender.”
“I am not a lesbian but horrified for lesbians by this new form of homophobia & misogyny, particularly young women.”
“It feels like we’re heading back to the 1930s. It shocking how quickly this has happened. I don’t think anti-lesbianism was ever really eradicated.”
“It took me so long to accept my sexuality and now I feel I have no community.”
“I’m not concerned for myself but for my children and the next generation.”
“The erasure of lesbians is almost akin to the Nazi attempts to eradicate the whole of the Jewish race and religious practice. It’s hard not to feel like we are at point with similarities to Kristalnicht in Germany in the 1930’s.”
“Our poor young lesbians. They can’t even define themselves without being bullied and told they’re on the wrong side of history.”
“I have Lesbian friends, and it’s appalling to see how they are treated.”
“As I said earlier, I see this as being a form of conversion therapy. I’m also very concerned about the drift towards the term “Queer”, which has no definition or boundaries and is inclusive of straight people and those with what I find objectionable “kinks”.”
“Same-sex attraction means one thing to me, as it would do to almost the entire population of the world. That men have been able to get away with bullying lesbians – particularly young women – into accepting their desire to exploit them is bewildering. I’ve read comments by lesbians who have been forced into sex with a biological male – the regret and distress is palpable. I’m hetero, so I’ve not had direct experience, but the pain I see in such comments is heart-breaking. The emotional manipulation that lesbians who were forced into having sex with a male have experienced just confirms my belief that this is a movement driven by autogynephilic, narcissistic misogynists who are driven by total self-interest.”
“It’s catastrophic I can’t imagine how awful it is for young lesbians.”
“My lesbian friends have told me horrible stories about men claiming to be lesbians, so I understand that it is a big problem for them.”
“Lesbians are being replaced by men, and are bullied into accepting men as sexual partners.”
“The penis is not a female sex organ, and claims to the contrary are dishonest, sexist and grotesque.”
“I am not a lesbian, so no. But I am concerned, on behalf of my lesbian sisters.”
“I’m not a lesbian (I’m a heterosexual woman) but the lesbophobia of this movement concerns me greatly. I like to consider myself an ally. It is basically rape culture and it is despicable.”
“As far as I am aware, lesbians were the first to raise the alarm about T being appended to LGB. It is shameful that our culture has convinced so many young lesbians to transition and changed the definition of the word “lesbian” such that it doesn’t mean much anymore. It is nonsense to claim people are attracted to a “gender”.”
“Whilst not a lesbian myself, I feel that all lesbians have the right to be attracted to the people they are attracted to and not forced to accept people to whom they hold no attraction or similarity as potential peers. It is correlative to pushing lesbians ‘back in the closet’.”
“This is possibly the scariest part of it for me as a lesbian – younger women and my friends’ daughters already avoid this word like the plague. They think the term ‘lesbian’ is offensive.”
“As a lesbian it distresses me a lot. I have insomnia because I worry so much about lesbian erasure.”
“Very distressing to me as a lesbian. I fear for young lesbians and what they are going through.”
“I’m not a lesbian, so this doesn’t affect me directly, but it makes me angry this is happening. Unfortunately I know lesbians who think I’m transphobic, so I don’t understand how they don’t see the danger to their “community”.”
“I’m not a lesbian and this makes me FURIOUS. Lady dick is just bloody ridiculous, a thing made up by men playing out their own sexual fetishes.”
“Oh how I could rant about this. As a lesbian, I find it very offensive that straight men think they can identify into lesbianism. Makes me want to vomit. Very upsetting. Very sad for young lesbians.”
“It’s real and it’s happening!”
“I am not a lesbian but it makes me really angry that lesbians have to put up with this shit.”
“They are trying to eradicate women and a large part of this is to eradicate the whole concept of women being attracted to women by calling this transphobic and bigotry.”
“I’m a lesbian. I only realised this recently (in my 50s). If gender ideology had been around when I was a kid, I would have thought I was non binary for sure, and possibly trans. I am so relieved I didn’t have this opportunity as growing into my body and my sexuality has taken me this long but I am so happy to be in this body and this sexuality. I can’t bear the idea that young women are being encouraged into life changing medical treatment that could deny them this joy and this sense of finding themselves.”
“I consider the promotion of a trans id to female minors who may be lesbians or non conforming to be child abuse.”
“We have not come this far to have men dictate what is or is not a lesbian.”
“I am straight so there may be issues that haven’t occurred to me but I think we have to protect the rights of lesbians to be what they are – same sex attracted. It is in the attacks on lesbians that the AGP nature of many TWs can be clearly seen. It is intensely misogynistic- lesbians after all have absolutely no need for men.”
“My teenage daughter came out to me as “liking girls” recently. However, she is very much following the “be kind” narrative and is very accepting of “transpeople are who they say they are”… She’s 13 and has led a very sheltered life. I’m treading a fine line between explaining my views without coming across as an out of touch dinosaur. I’m concerned for her going to uni at 18 if she still identifies as lesbian. She has absolutely no experience of what (some) men are like.”
“I am concerned as an ally and as a mother. I am concerned that so many people are not able to see this is homophobia. Even gay friends have effectively cut me off as they have found themselves within Queer culture.”
“A lot of what women during 2nd wave feminism have fought for and achieved was due as a result of our lesbian sisters, and that they should now be threatened, marginalised, driven underground and erased is heart breaking. It is painful to witness women who claim to be feminists (a lot of the younger gens) to prioritise male to female trans feelings and demands over biological women’s need for safety. Women and children’s human rights are being trampled by misogynist trans activists and their often well meaning and naive allies.”
“”I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body” used to be a homophobic “joke”. Now we’re expected to believe it is true & to want to date males claiming they are lesbians. This is conversion therapy & corrective rape. It is utterly abhorrent.”
“I think that children are getting really confusing information about this. A few years ago if lesbians with penises or girl dicks were mentioned it would have been thought of as completely ridiculous. Now we are being forced to accept this as the truth or be called a bigot. This turns everything on its head. I am worried about lesbians being medicalised and pressured into surgery. This is the world my girls are growing up in and this is how their understanding of sex and same sex attraction will be shaped.”
“I see the move toward lesbian erasure as an action of men’s patriarchal subjugation of women, as the political denial of lesbian existence and sexuality which is necessary for the function of systemic male dominance.”
“I’m pretty young (23) so I never even got to go to a lesbian bar before they all shut down. Same with feminist bookstores and places of that nature. I hope these kinds of spaces will make a comeback.”
“As a middle-aged lesbian I am appalled that the acceptance we gained in previous decades is being undermined by cosplaying men, and that we are supposed to include them.”
“While I am not a lesbian myself, I have throughout my life had many lesbian friends and am more than willing to fight gender ideology on their behalf.”
“I am straight but can see lesbians have contributed a massive amount to feminism and maybe are able to step back from the patriarchy and assess it more clearly to help all women and girls. Further to this, lesbians are a group who have their own rights and culture and should not be made to accept “ladydick” which is an absolutely disgusting notion.”
“Men cannot be lesbians. It’s abusive to say they can.”
“As before, being a lesbian has become the least attractive trajectory for girls, such an unthinkable possibility that they prefer medical attempts to change their sex resulting in lifelong difficulties, lack of sexual functioning and sterility.”
“It is every bit as wrong as erasing straight women. Coming to terms with one’s sexuality may be difficult enough without young women having to deal with the trans trend.”
“It’s disrespectful and misogynist to centre the needs of men in the lives of homosexual women.”
“I would like my daughter to have positive lesbian role models.”
“I cannot bear how my lesbian friends are being bullied and called transphobic for being same sex attracted. No one has any right to tell someone else to date a person against their will.”
“We only really had a few years of relative freedom! Now we are being disappeared again.”
“Lgb have fought for decades not to be seen as predators and this movement sets them back years. It’s homophobia wrapped in a rainbow ribbon.”
“As I’m not a lesbian I don’t know how it feels to be under these pressures. I can only base my views on my concerns from a heterosexual perspective. I do feel the threat against lesbians from a woman’s viewpoint.”
“As a lesbian, I am very very angry re the harm being done to young lesbians. I am at the same time very angry with lesbians who go along with the crap of this men’s rights movement.”
“This is little more than the corrective rape of lesbians. I am especially concerned that this is pushed by many political lobby groups that advertise themselves as being charities for lesbians, like stonewall. Our equality law defines homosexuality as same sex attracted. No organisation of any sort should be able to redefine our laws.”
“Lesbians are who they are. These attacks are just another form of misogyny. Gay men do not appear to be attacked in this way.”
“I am concerned for women who may be coerced into relationships with male bodied people for fear of being branded bigots. I am very concerned that society as a whole does not seem to view this as rape.”
“Nothing other than that as a lesbian this is one of my primary concerns, and the effect gender ideology has had on lesbians these days is very easy to see and I feel it myself.”
“I see gender ideology as profoundly homophobic: it’s transing the gay away.”
“Telling lies is not acceptable. Same-sex attraction is as innate as heterosexual attraction. Gender stereotypes have nothing at all to do with it. Children should be allowed to grow up without pressures to conform to any stereotypes. It’s only after we go through natural puberty can we recognise who we are.”
“I’m not a lesbian myself, but I’m concerned that lesbians are being marginalized. Some men don’t like being excluded by women – so they are trying to invade what lesbians have marked out as a women-only dating pool. There’s not the same pressure on straight women to accept ‘transmen’ as sexual partners – not that I would anyway – though I have heard of pressure on straight men to accept ‘transwomen’ as such. I’m really concerned that girls who don’t conform to a ‘girly’ stereotype and who may be realizing that they’re attracted to other females are being persuaded that they’re not ‘real girls’.”
“When friends of mine told me about it, many years ago, I thought they could refuse to go with men saying women-I didn’t realise Eddie Izzard’s joke about being man trapped in lesbian’s body would stop being funny and men would express it expecting women to accept them into their groups. It came about at a women’s support group when someone who was clearly not a woman insisted on attending & lesbians left. Other women challenged him but even then it was tricky-would be even more difficult now as women would be frightened, some women wouldn’t see it as a problem because think they’re being open minded rather than denying women single sex space. It’s Patriarchy in action.”
“I’m actually straight but the cotton ceiling peaked me about 5 yrs ago. The whole trans activism movement is deeply homophobic and misogynistic.”
“How frigging dare they! It’s all about men. Keeping men happy. After the long fight for LGB rights, after the AIDS pandemic, how bloody dare these people.”
“Definitely happening. It’s appalling. Probably illegal, surely.”
“I am a lesbian myself, I was pressured into having sex with a male once. Didn’t work, but I got shunned for saying no. So much for lesbian positivity.”
“Lesbians have always struggled to be accepted by society especially butch women.”
“The LGB need to openly drop the T. I’m tired of their hypocrisy: they let the T walk all over them.”
“I’m not lesbian but I love those older strong lesbian women who are happy in themselves. When I see them I know we’d have the same mindset. I absolutely love to see the support they give other women. Young lesbians don’t stand a chance in today’s toxic climate, it makes me so sad.”
“I’m a lesbian. It’s really upsetting to see women like myself being coerced to have sex with men. I think a lot of lesbians are being abused by predatory men who use victimhood to prevent them from leaving.”
“It’s straight up conversion therapy, and barely do gay men face this at the same rate.”
“WHERE HAVE THE BUTCHES GONE? It’s also incredibly stressful for a lesbian in a relationship with another lesbian being expected to support their female partner through transition if they so choose to. How hard that must be to know you are a lesbian but having to ‘play pretend’ that your partner is a (‘trans’) man, living in that kind of duality of thought.”
“Sick of lesbianism being referred to as “non men who love non men”.”
“Hate the “definition” that’s becoming popular: lesbian – a non-man who loves non-men. Can’t center women in our own sexuality.”
“I support my lesbian sisters, always.”
“It’s shocking that we’ve come so far as to force lesbians back into the closet.”
“It’s conversion therapy, it’s forcing lesbians to partake in male fantasy.”
“Even lesbian role models like Billy Jean King have abandoned women in this issue. It’s beyond depressing.”
“I am not a lesbian, but I respect lesbians and lesbian culture and have learned so much about how they are being affected. I do honestly see trans identified females as traitors to the sex, even though I realize it is hard to deal with homophobia. I always saw lesbians as strong women so it saddens me that some would prefer to call themselves men nowadays.”
“I’m not a lesbian, but my heart goes out to all who are. This is, yet again, punishment of women, in their case, women who do not want males in their lives. I fear for their safety, their well-being, their mental health, their very lives. These despicable men should be in prison for what they are doing to lesbian’s lives. I stand right beside them in every way.”
“Again, anything which risks putting human rights backwards for (same sex attracted) people is dangerous and cruel to a community who have fought for every right they have achieved. To do this under the banner of inclusion is horrific and a dangerous direction of travel.”
“As a straight woman, this is what first raised my concerns about gender ideology. I could see that lesbians were being bullied, coerced and shamed into accepting so-called “girldick”. This is an intensely homophobic ideology – especially for lesbians.”
“I had no idea girls were being told they are boys if they like other girls, rather than lesbian. So, if girl A and girl B are attracted to each other, therefore they are both boys, and therefore male homosexual. That’s the obvious answer?!”
“I was part of a FB lesbian group for many years. I left after a TiM messaged me stating that I must accept their penis as just a ‘birth defect akin to a cleft lip’. That was the final straw and I left the group.”
“Lesbians have been at the forefront of standing with gay men particularly in the HIV crisis, also in the movement supporting women experiencing male violence. Lesbians deserve all women’s and gay men’s support.”
“I am not lesbian so I will not presume to comment further. I only know that my lesbian friends are very angry and upset by these things.”
“I’m not a lesbian so can’t speak for their experience, but observing the attack on women who are only attracted to other women has been appalling. I cannot believe that only a couple of decades after being able to come out of the closet, lesbians are being forced back in again, and corrective rape is being pushed as an antidote to ‘genital preference’.”
“I cannot accept that the human rights commissioner in Tasmania, Australia ruled that lesbians have to accept trans identified men into their gatherings and spaces. This is a great human rights violation and cannot be allowed to stand.”
“Lesbianism is an orientation. Gender ideology is homophobia.”
“This affects all lesbians of all ages, incredibly sad & angering.”
“I’m too frightened to “come out” as a lesbian for fear of reprisals under gender ideology.”
“I am not a Lesbian, so it is less personal to me. But I support gay rights so I find all the above offensive. Very worried about ‘transing the gay’ as medical ‘transition’ is so harmful.”
“I am so concerned at ‘transing the gay away’ (applies of course to boys too).”
“I’ve had many female friends who happened to be lesbian. There used to be a real sense of community and mutual support within the groups I knew. I wonder whether these people have either been driven underground or brainwashed into thinking they are ‘really trans’, which is a tragedy for all the young women who are same-sex attracted, however have no strong role models to guide them into adulthood. This is a women’s rights issue.”
“I am heterosexual. Lesbians have fought hard for their rights and their own space. Any legislation that puts any woman or child at risk should be struck down. This legislation does exactly that.”
“I am a bi female, who is in a hetero relationship presently, and I would never impose myself on a lesbian space unless specifically invited. That males feel entitled to do this is dreadful. I do appreciate the value of female-only social groups and these must be protected. I’m particularly concerned for my sisters who may have other racial/religious/cultural restrains or stigma to deal with. My daughter is also bi, and she’s been called transphobic for calling herself this, rather than pan. My take is I’m unlikely to find someone with cosmetic surgery etc attractive of either sex!”
“Words should have meaning. I know language evolves but it shouldn’t be forced on anyone at the behest of people who are not members of the relevant group when those directly impacted have explained why it’s problematic.”
“I’m not lesbian but can see the damage being caused to them. This gender crap is a men’s rights issue so of course they are targeting women who ‘reject’ men as sexual partners. No one has the right to tell anyone else who they MUST have sex with.”
“Not my area of expertise but I stand with my lesbian friends & sisters. I think it’s vile and rapey that men with beards and wigs are coming into their spaces demanding to be centred and have lesbians cater to their needs, even sexually.”
“I think that lesbians need far more visible role models and they are being stifled. I find it incredible that anyone could welcome a man dressed as a woman as a lesbian rather than as a gas lighting predator.”
“Young women are being pressurised into transitioning into ‘straight’ transmen. It’s ridiculous. Alternatively they are happy to be women but are told their sexuality must include men in womanface. I feel so sorry for these young women.”
“I saw a video recently that likened trying to force lesbians to accept Transwomen as partners to ‘corrective rape’ and I think that was the perfect comparison. It’s horrifying.”
“As a lesbian, I have been one who has participated in campaigns for more lesbian visibility and less discrimination. Young lesbians particularly benefit from lesbian only-groups and activities. Genderism is a backward step for lesbians.”
“When I was young, I asked my mentor if she was ok with lesbians. She told me that she liked lesbians, because they like women. That has been my opinion about lesbians for 30 years, and now we’re losing (have lost) this large group, dedicated to liking women when almost no one else does. It’s awful.”
“Lesbian culture has more or less been completely erased. Lesbians are constantly being accused of transphobia & their spaces have been colonised by white heterosexual men in frocks suggesting they are lesbians. It seems extremely bullying & lesbians can no longer have spaces away from men.”
“As a feminist, the concerns about trans ideology coming from lesbians made me pay attention to the damage the movement is doing to their communities.”
“I’m not a lesbian so I’m not experiencing it directly but it’s so blatant how homophobic and misogynistic gender identity ideology is. Men have no business invading our privacy.”
“As a woman who isn’t straight, I find it very discouraging and depressing that there are so few spaces left for us to meet each other or talk about our common experiences. Most spaces now not only allow males but will penalize us for not coddling them and I’ve dropped out of most of the spaces I used to enjoy because they are no longer for women. I’m also concerned about the impact the trans movement is having on young lesbian and bisexual girls; it seems that they’re being pushed into transing themselves when they don’t really know who they are yet.”
“I don’t support telling lies. Questions 36, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43 & 44 are about enforcing male bodies onto females which is sex abuse. I’m less concerned about lesbians having to find their own spaces, it’s not right that they’ll need to do this but they will, to keep themselves safe. I’m not a lesbian myself. When I read about men with beards saying they were lesbians it was a bit of a mind-blower. It’s a downright lie, perverted gas-lighting.”
“I’m not lesbian but ideology from transgender advocates amounts to rape correction. Abhorrent. Unacceptable.”
“I do not accept that trans identified men can be “lesbians”. Lesbians are female.”
“I cannot believe how far back everything is going in such few short years.”
“I was once tricked into a relationship online with a man parading as a woman thankfully he confessed before we met up in person. Trying to online date or even joining other wlw clubs/groups is nearly impossible because half of them want to include men.”
“I am not a lesbian but even as an outsider I am still deeply concerned that women who fought so hard to be accepted openly in society are now being driven underground again, this time by men who identify as “transbians”. They are demanding that women accede to their sexual fetishes, ignoring completely the central role of consent in sexual freedom. All women should have control over their own bodies, including who they sleep with. Moreover girls who are non-gender-confirming and might well grow up to be lesbians are in danger of being transed into boys. This reification of gender roles in girls’ bodies is outrageous.”
“It upsets me so much it’s honestly haunting.”
“The misogyny and homophobia faced by lesbians isn’t given the attention it deserves.”
“There will be no lesbians left in public life.”
“I am not lesbian, however I am enraged that “lesbian” has been defined out of existence. It is homophobic erasure. It is ordering women to redefine themselves and their sexualities. I have seen lesbians being told to get over their “penis trauma” on social media, that a prior sexual assault is the only somewhat-acceptable excuse for a lesbian to refuse sex with a man, and that she is obliged to overcome it. There are no words for the horror in this.”
“Lesbians are unable to meet together, form groups or even have our own apps outside the presence of heterosexual fetishists.”
“I am a lesbian and I will not be erased. Lesbians are women (not men identifying as women) and as such share similar concerns about Gender identity as straight and bi women.”
“This erasure does not happen for gay men and trans-men. There is no massive online campaign to shame gay men into sleeping with women. That it only happens to women, shows it is misogyny. Again, lesbian women have had to struggle to achieve something approaching equality, dignity and justice over the last few decades; now they are accused of transphobia if they identify as lesbians who are attracted to women and who refuse to sleep with men who identify as lesbians. This is Stonewall, and it is a terrible betrayal, and is horrible beyond words.”
“I find this very worrying. I understand from a young lesbian woman that a significant number of male people are to be found on lesbian dating sites supplying fake / filtered pictures, meaning woman meet them and then reject them when they realise they are male, and we all know what a flashpoint for male violence rejection is. I also totally reject the notion that being same sex attracted is just a genital preference and transphobic. None of us can help who we are attracted to.”
“It makes me feel hopeless. I’ve never even met another lesbian besides my wife. I doubt I ever will again.”
“Finding out that this has been going on so long to the lesbian community is very devastating. I read the stories of young lesbians feeling like they have to go to therapy to help them get over their aversion to penis so men who think they are women won’t feel hurt. It makes me so angry, and then it makes me cry, because I can’t help them all see that it’s great to be a lesbian – just leave the lesbians alone.”
“We live in an incredibly lesbophobic society, which at this point is even more about sexism, and men being threatened by a class of women who categorically are not attracted to men, than it is about homophobia, which is not affecting gay men in the same way.”
“My daughter’s school, that is inundated by trans identified children, has one lesbian. ONE. As far as I know, no gay young men.”
“I don’t know much about lesbian culture but I believe that lesbians should be free to determine their own destiny which includes being able to choose whichever partner they wish and not coerced into accepting male partners.”
“I am a lesbian with a detransitioned female partner and the politics around this make it unsafe for us to make lesbian friends, as many of them are uncritically supportive of transgenderism, transitioning themselves, or are gung-ho about bringing men into women’s spaces. I am often assumed to be transgender (nonbinary) before I am assumed to be a lesbian which makes me feel completely insane– I am not even markedly masculine. I fear a lot for the younger generation which is being totally confused and pressured from very extreme, unhealthy directions.”
“My sister is Lesbian (60) she is very gender non conforming, knows that she could have been part of this cult if born years later.”
“Lesbians have their Rights enshrined in the 2010 U.K. Equality Act. Lesbians are a protected characteristic. Men can never be accepted as Lesbians. Lesbian unequivocally means same sex attracted. Gender attraction is a bullying technique used by straight men to access Lesbian spaces, lesbian rights and lesbian same sex culture and social life.”
“I am not a lesbian but feel highly concerned for my lesbian sisters and the young generation of lesbians and GNC women.”
“I feel most young ftm transitioners are wee girls who don’t fit societies image of a girl and think they are perhaps a heterosexual boy.”
“A man in Hong Kong pretended to be a woman to meet lesbians on the HER app. One woman he raped. The court found him not guilty because the woman was bisexual… ???”
“Same sex attracted means exactly that same sex attracted.”
“As a straight woman, I feel that lesbians are being coerced into sex with men. The men who claim to be lesbians, with a penis is a lie. Same sex attraction & opposite sex attraction, is innate. Again it is men trying to change reality.”
“I am not lesbian but can see how my lesbian sisters are being disproportionally decimated by the trans movement.”
“Homosexuals are same sex attracted not same gender attracted.”
“It is outrageous that lesbian women are being banned from their own dating apps because they are same sex attracted this seems to be a real case of sex discrimination and makes a mockery of the fight for same sex marriage, putting back gay and lesbian rights by decades.”
“I have seen lesbians getting more severe treatment for speaking up. Threats against lesbians are often sexual & violent. I do not get this level of threat as a heterosexual.”
“I am a lesbian, & I have seen first hand the damage transgenderists have done to women’s/lesbian culture/rights over the past three decades. I have watched our community slowly destroyed & along with it the support systems that existed to help lesbians overcome the internalized homophobia mainstream culture instils. I have witnessed performers & craftswomen being blacklisted out of venues for merely attending women-only events, &, sickeningly, watched them grovel & pander to beliefs they did not hold in order to maintain their income stream. I have seen lesbians body-blocked & threatened with violence attempting to access those same events. The intersection of misogyny & lesbophobia is an ugly place, indeed, and I am angry, very angry, that this is the locale where young lesbians are forced to reside.”
“There are lesbian role models – Navratilova and younger – but media could do more to shine a light.”
“Some men always want to take away what women have. Pornography has degenerated into misogynist, violent, abuse. Women loving women has mostly been about giving and receiving pleasure, not about hurt. I think men who want to appropriate lesbianism hate any evidence of love and pleasure, and are motivated by hatred of women to destroy lesbians.”
“I have a lesbian daughter and the time she is finding out who she is (now) is usually a bit confusing but now with having to dodge trans people, have no safe women only sorting clubs, or hiking clubs. Every one elevates the trans and ignores the lesbian/dyke.”
“I’m not a lesbian so I feel weird commenting on their spaces, but I am concerned because they are women and their spaces and activities and thoughts are being erased. This doesn’t happen to men.”
“It worries me how many lesbians are transing, and how many men are saying they are lesbians. I have experienced abuse by a coercive “lesbian” AGP, who used sex positivity and gender fluidity as another tool of abuse.”
“Sooo many men on lesbian tinder. This is fairly new where I live.”
“Lesbians have received more abuse than any other group in this debate. It’s shocking, homophobic and disgraceful.”
“I am not a lesbian but have friends who are. I am concerned by their seeming erasure and by the pressures they are under. Lesbians seem the easiest target for TRAs.”
“It is so striking that the pressure to have sex based on gender identity is always forced on women. Men are never or rarely subjected to this – they wouldn’t stand for it. It is rape culture to say that a lesbian should feel compelled to have sex with any man.”
“There ARE wonderful Lesbian role models! We just need to stop their silencing.”
“Coercive control by men to bed lesbians. No means No and this includes saying no to dicks.”
“Women saying no, women having boundaries, especially sexual boundaries are a huge threat to men. Lesbians have always personified that threat. Now as well as corrective rape threats, they’re also faced with accusations of bigotry and transphobia for refusing to have sex with a man, regardless that he now thinks he is a woman. It’s is monstrous. Young lesbians are being gaslit, manipulated into double mastectomies and hysterectomies because they are told if they fancy girls they are men. Lesbian spaces are non existent. Lesbians were the canaries in the coal mine for this genderwang authoritarian state backed religion years ago. They sounded the alarm. Noone listened.”
“I’m bisexual so I try to engage with this respectfully, aware that my experience is different and not speak on this issue as if it is mine in the same way.”
“It is a complete joke that lesbians get thrown off dating sites for saying they only want a female partner. The bare minimum lesbians should have to accept is being able to filter out male people.”
“I’m concerned for my daughter as she says she is lesbian (she’s only 15 and keeps changing her mind). I’m more broadly concerned with issues of coercion and people being taught not to believe the evidence of their instincts / eyes and how this is a massive safeguarding risk and is quite literally maddening.”
“What is there to say? It’s happening. Every girl I know who identifies as a trans man is same-sex attracted, several from religious families where same-sex attraction is hardly promoted. I’m a lesbian and on dating apps I regularly get contacted by men who claim to be women – and I can’t even tell them to p*ss off because the app would side with the men. In certain online circles, lesbian is synonymous with TERF. In real life, I have been told that I’m a bigot for not wanting to sleep with “trans women” – it’s a horrible homophobic sentiment but I know who people will side with if I complain.”
“My whole life I have had dozens of lesbian friends. My brother is gay, so I was hanging out in gay pubs as soon as I started going out as a young adult. I fear that young lesbians are becoming a thing of the past. I’m horrified and worried.”
“As a straight woman I’ve never until now given much thought to the lesbian experience but by God I do now.”
“I worry for my pupils who will grow up to be same sex attracted that they are receiving such negative messages about lesbians.”
“Already said it all on the other page, but as the mother of a young lesbian, I am outraged by the insistence of narcissistic young men that they must have access to lesbian spaces.”
“Magdalen Berns said it all.”
“If you’ve got a dick, if biologically/genetically you are a man, you can’t be a lesbian.”
“I am not a lesbian but feel really strongly about this – What is happening to lesbians is the most disgusting thing.”
“Gender is not a thing. Sex matters, and overwhelmingly so in our sexual attraction to others.” Lesbians are same-sex attracted only.”
“It is utterly regressive and misogynistic.”
“My eldest daughter is a lesbian and I’m very angry at what she and other lesbians are having to deal with.”
“I am disgusted by it. Men can NOT be lesbians.”
“Lesbophobia is straight up homophobia. Men calling themselves lesbians is straight up rape culture!”
“I am worried for my daughter who has recently come out as a lesbian and the abuse she might suffer I worry every single day that she could be abused by these lunatics.”
“Lesbianism does not intersect with anyone’s penis. Ever. Lesbian erasure within LGBTQ+ community & organizations has left me feeling deeply betrayed by those groups and their allies.”
“Only natal women can be lesbians. It is same sex attraction.”
“I’m heterosexual and don’t experience this at a personal level but it seems homophobic to me.”
“I’ve always found it interesting that instead of trying to date straight women many TW go for lesbians instead because of the porn aspect. Plus straight women wouldn’t validate them as “lesbians”.”
“This is part of marginalising groups of gay people. It’s wrong.”
“I’ve grown up during the times of the fight for gay marriage, when Pride was a straightforward and specific thing. To see what it has become now, and see lesbians being affected the way they are, and the denial of the existence of bisexuality as a “valid” category, is heartbreaking. It’s ok to be gay. It’s ok to be bi (instead of stealing the language of homosexuals and pretending to be what they’re not).”
“Young Lesbians & Bisexual women in particular are being targeted & relentlessly harassed by heterosexual men trying to guilt them into relationships by claiming to be lesbians. Many are too polite & too scared to stand up for themselves. It’s heartbreaking to see. Thankfully orgs like LGB Alliance are starting to address these problems.”
“I am a lesbian and have experienced direct abuse for being exclusive!”
“I’m a straight woman so don’t experience the issues lesbians experience with trans-identified males but it infuriates me that there seem to be plenty of male predators who have found a new way to coerce and pressure women into sex/dates and that T is even part of LGBT. LGB are all the letters.”
“Lesbians have a hard enough time without this awful way they are being treated. They cannot “fancy” the opposite sex just because they are told to.”
“My daughter is a lesbian on a sex based definition. This is not allowed. She has been told this is genital preference. I tried to explain that it isn’t, but teenagers don’t listen to mum. I was raped as a teen, I was coerced by men to do things I didn’t want to. Teenagers are vulnerable and this gender movement has been predatory on my teenage lesbian daughter. It is deeply homophobic by the legal definition of homosexuality. But the law in this country is now a farce. The police are displaying loyalty to the gender cult as are the political parties, the NHS, everywhere. There is absolutely nowhere I can turn for help. There is nowhere I can take my daughter where men don’t try to prey on her and force her to accept penis. It’s heartbreaking. I wish I hadn’t had children at all. They’d be better off in care.”
“We have lost so many to the cult it breaks my heart.”
“Again, I’m not qualified as I am straight but I am scared for the young lesbians I know.”
“It took so long for lesbians to have safe open lives and it is being stolen from them.”
“It’s men being bullies to women.”
“I am of the generation that fought for women’s rights and lesbian and gay rights. I feel we have lost a lot of those gains. I am very concerned for the younger generation, being lied to and shamed. This is where we came in during the 1970’s and it distresses me greatly.”
“It would help if this gender rubbish wasn’t taught in schools and pushed by the BBC. Stonewall should not be allowed to run its Stonewall Champion scheme and must be kept out of schools.”
“I am not entirely surprised about this as it is the obvious next stage in establishing GI as fact. The process involves stirring up confusion in order that people not necessarily affected directly by GI will look to others to interpret prevailing views in society, and don’t do the research themselves. Two of my teenage children are lesbian, which is still taboo in my cultural heritage, so it is important that they have good role models and awareness of politics and human rights, beyond the nurturing I can provide as a socially engaged and progressive mother. As fearful as I am about the impact GI is having on some sections in society, I am so utterly disappointed with some of the lesbians who have embraced and promoting GI.”
“It’s straight up homophobia.”
“I am not a lesbian, but I can see that women who want to meet other women are being ruthlessly targeted by predatory men. Same old same old – “just hasn’t met the right man yet”, needs a “good seeing to”. It’s dangerous, physically and mentally, for women to have to pretend a man is another woman in any intimate situation.”
“Same sex attraction is a sexual orientation and sexual orientation is an Equality Act protected characteristic. How have we got to this point where women are bullied and abused and can’t even use dating apps because they are same sex attracted and are not into men (because those men claim to be women and lesbians despite their ‘lady dicks’). It is outrageous. Lesbians have been the first casualties in this war on women by these gender woo people. It sickens me how they have been treated and I am very concerned that young lesbians have been bullied into relationships with men who claim to be lesbians and have even decided to transition because of this horrible misogynistic ideology.”
“A woman is an adult human female; a lesbian is a woman attracted to women, not to men who think they are women.”
“I have colleagues and family members who, had they been born 20 years earlier would be out and proud lesbians but now call themselves queer or pansexual – lesbian has become a bad word again.”
“Yes: I fully support the rights of women to be same-sex attracted, and to be able to exclude anyone who is not from their spaces (including me- I am heterosexual.) However, I can’t agree that about lesbian role models as there are plenty I admire and respect greatly.”
“We have great lesbian role models in Allison Bailey, Kate & Bev of LGBA, Kathleen Stock and others. They should be strongly supported.”
“Incredibly scary, and also very sad. I’m not a lesbian but e.g. at university was aware of the gay / lesbian scene – and my understanding is this no longer exists for lesbians.”
“I’m straight, but really feel for lesbians who no longer feel they can be themselves any more, or even meet like minded women without the fear of trans women joining in.”
“Lesbian erasure is wrong and promoted by queer heterosexual men.”
“I am not a lesbian but it breaks my heart what has happened to so many of them. To see the pressure they are under and the abuse they receive; and for the world to just spew hate at them.”
“I believe that children are having their minds messed about with, no one should be made to feel ashamed about being lesbian or gay and giving a child or a young woman medication or encouraging surgery to erase lesbian feelings is cruel and inhumane.”
“LESBIAN identity is being obliterated and denigrated – it has to be reinforced as a positive and socially acceptable form of female behaviour.”
“I used to work in a school- lesbo was often used as an insult, and several girls who were gay identified as boys. It is so sad- and worrying. No male should ever be permitted on a lesbian dating site or event unless everyone knows it is mixed sex.”
“I’m heterosexual but follow a few same sex attracted people online. I just wish that everyone would shout stop and cease to play along with this silly behaviour of males saying they are women. Safety in numbers and with the number of published books like Helen Joyce’s it is a perfect time to stop being so scared.”
“It’s all such a fantasy that same sex attraction can accommodate the opposite sex.”
“Males being lesbians’- reject this completely – tell them to shut up and desist from abusing the definition – it can never apply to them. I am not a lesbian but I know that women have the right to love who they wish. Men posing as women is a laugh if it wasn’t being taken seriously by those idiots who are trying to create jobs, careers from this nonsense gender ideology. Please also don’t only think of Lesbians – we women must defend each other – No man can ever speak for me or on my behalf or representing my life experience as a woman – no man, no trans man, no trans woman – not in my lifetime – I would also consider getting ordinary women out on the streets – how you say – get them to take their children, disabled in wheelchairs, pets in prams – March in force – call it ” going for a walk for women” – all cities, towns… Also ask the Trans lobby the correct questions.”
“My friend’s daughter, who I mentioned in a previous comment, believed for nearly two years that her attraction to women and the fact she wasn’t into stereotypical girly stuff meant she was actually a boy.”
“I see it as a new misogyny. When I was growing up I saw how men became angry if a woman was not attracted to them – a lesbian seemed to particularly affront them. This now just seems like exactly the same thing, but more insidious because it is in the name of “diversity”, because same sex attraction is seen as bigotry. I am desperately sad and worried for young lesbians who are groomed into the idea of being trans men, or groomed into having sex with men who merely say they are women.”
“I’m deeply shocked by this including the rape culture narrative in TRAs statements about men who describe themselves as trans women as lesbians, suggesting to lesbians they must have sex with men. I’m worried about young girls growing up in this environment. The misogyny and homophobia (lesbophobia) in this narrative is shocking. I especially note that straight men are not similarly pressured into having sex and forming relationships with men who describe themselves as trans women. This tells us everything we need to know about men’s feelings of entitlement over women’s bodies.”
“Only rapists benefit from this. Rapists, however they identify, are rapists.”
“I came out as a lesbian when I was 18 – almost 30 years ago. I faced some challenges and discrimination but that is as nothing compared to the violent and hate filled rhetoric that is used by so-called trans activists about lesbians. Very few people will speak up about the correlation between porn and these men. That correlation is the only reason they want to be in spaces that are occupied by lesbians. I am so angry about this.”
“I am probably more angry about this than anything else. I think about young women and girls who might be questioning their sexuality and are being told that Alex Drummond is a lesbian; and/or there’s such a thing as ‘girl dick’; or ‘lesbians’ can now get other women pregnant etc. It’s homophobic misogyny – it’s so obvious and I can’t believe there are women out there who support it.”
“I feel terribly sorry for what lesbians are going through because they are women, because they are losing role models & much of their next generation, and because of the “male lesbians” — as a straight woman, I’m acutely aware of how awful men can be, from high pressure, aggression, sexual harassment to rape.”
“I struggled with this and in 2016 I stopped supporting Stonewall after our lesbian voices were ignored.”
“Lesbians are a huge threat to the patriarchy so it’s no surprise that they are being particularly attacked in this debate.”
“It’s horrific. And yet so many lesbians are on board with gender ideology. It’s very worrying – seems more and more like a cult.”
“Not being a lesbian it feels that I’m out of my lane commenting on this, but no one should ever be compelled to accept anyone in their dating pool they are not comfortable with. To tell lesbians they have to accept men is rapey imo. Young girls being told they are boys for dating girls is conversion therapy and therefore immoral and wrong.”
“Women continue to have to fight for equality and for the endemic violence of men against them to be recognised and treated as unacceptable. This is even more so for lesbian women as a minority group of women. To me it appears that any man claiming to be a woman and lesbian either has mental health issues or is acting on his deviant fetishes. I have a lesbian friend who was verbally abused by a transwoman for not wanting to have sex with him. My daughter is lesbian, and has to make an effort to seek out lesbian role models as they are not anywhere near as prominent or visible as homosexual role models.”
“I think there are very many excellent lesbian role models, however they are being crushed and silenced by AGP men who claim to be lesbians.”
“I came out in 1984 when it was a very positive experience to be a lesbian despite external pressures. I fear for young lesbians now. They are so at risk of pressure to trans or attacked by men pretending to be lesbians.”
“I am a lesbian and we are being erased. There are no lesbian communities, they have been replaced with gender identity spaces. I feel extremely isolated and I mourn what could have been. I wish I had community.”
“I see this everyday at university. Young women in “lesbian” relationships with men, and all taking up places and talking time in lesbian societies and campaigns.”
“I know a number of young women who are lesbians. They have no-where to meet up, no-where to go to be with other lesbians, no role models (older lesbians are invariably castigated as terfs and transphobes)… they are being groomed into questioning their sexuality and even their morality because they are not attracted to men. Increasing numbers are choosing to identify as ‘non-binary’ or to undergo surgery to become ‘transmen’ because to be a lesbian is no longer acceptable. They are isolated and distressed. This is a form of grooming, a form of abuse. State sanctioned.”
“I just think it’s shocking that I felt more accepted as a lesbian in middle school (2008ish) than now with all these new politics. I don’t even know where young lesbians have to go. The first spaces they encounter with be full of queer ideology. And then the fact that lesbians in the media don’t even want to use the word lesbian. People think all these new terms help people figure themselves out, but all they do is encourage overthinking.”
“I don’t like men, even if they identify as women. For me a woman is a woman, but I have understood that I am a transphobe for not wanting to sleep with self identified women.”
“The redefinition of lesbianism as same- gender attraction is the ultimate epitome of the issue. Grotesque to harangue lesbians as transphobic for not wanting sex with male bodies, and extreme sexual oppression for Transwomen to pressurise and demand this of lesbian women. (I am not a lesbian).”
“I’m not a lesbian but have read many accounts of how women feel about the above issues. Really sad for them, and outraged on their behalf.”
“I am a lesbian. Within the past four years, I have attempted to join two separate (unaffiliated) groups who advertised themselves as LGBTQ+. In those groups, I have never met another lesbian. These groups were filled primarily with straight people who identified as a different gender, along with a single gay man. I currently host my own meetups with local lesbians, but I must do so secretly and with a rigorous vetting process. I have personally witnessed other lesbian-only groups being infiltrated by gender-supporters so they could share screenshots of our “hateful rhetoric” as proof that we’re “evil bigots” (i.e. discussing our same-sex attraction, our disdain for the number of men on lesbian dating apps, or the detrans / desisters in our groups discussing how they manage their dysphoria in healthier ways than just medication and surgery). I wish it was safe to be out as a lesbian, but it somehow feels less safe now than it did just ten years ago.”
“The so called ‘cotton ceiling’ argument is what opened my eyes. This is rape rhetoric, that lesbians should be forced to sleep with men who wear dresses.”
“Lesbian groups prioritizing anyone who isn’t a lesbian is lesbian erasure.”
“After my former girlfriend called me a TERF for insisting lesbianism describes the love and interactions between “homosexual women” (and not fetishes of heterosexual men and pansexual women), I was heartbroken and isolated for months. I finally recently downloaded a dating app and I have been horrified to see how different things are than they were two years ago. When I put my settings on “women only” I still see dozens of men in dresses on the site every day. I am not exaggerating when I say at least 60% of the trans women’s accounts feature inappropriate, sexist language advocating violent sexual acts, urine play, BDSM, and other kinks. I have never seen such vile content on a female’s profile. Trans women on dating apps insist they belong there but some of them are completely pre-op, some have beards, some never took hormones they just wear dresses, and it is just so frustrating as a lesbian to feel gas-lighted because I know what a woman is and is not.”
“Lesbians have always been marginalised and things are worse now than ever. We must be fearless in our determination to confront bigotry and misogynistic hatred of lesbians, in which society colludes. My partner and I have lifelong lesbian experience; things have never been worse for those who lack courage, education and good guidance.”
“It is blatant homophobia. Men have always wanted to have sex with lesbians. It is a male porn fantasy. This is just another way men get to coerce women into fulfilling their fantasies. I have read on social media some ‘lesbians’ say they have heterosexual sex with Transwomen. They are clearly not lesbians but encourage other lesbians to take part in men’s fantasies. I am concerned lesbians are called transphobic if they go on a dating App and say they are only interested in women and thrown off. The message being, if you don’t agree to seeing males, you are not accepted as a lesbian. This is controlling behaviour and gaslighting. I’m concerned Lesbians are not allowed to meet together to even discuss this without males being present to influence more obedient ‘nice; be kind’ groomed women. Girls are taught from childhood to be more obedient. They are more fearful of rejection.”
“It is sexual coercion, which is illegal. A man who is attracted to women is heterosexual. A man who is attracted to other men is homosexual. It’s irrelevant how they identify.”
“This is one of the most appalling parts of this – lesbians are actually the most abused and excluded group.”
“Same sex attracted is what it says on the tin. Men cannot be lesbians, even those who have gender reassignment.”
“Where I live there are currently zero lesbian spaces left. All of them have been opened to transwomen. Online is the same. Every conversation has to centre in trans issues or accepting girldick. Lesbian communities have been divided and ruined.”
“Only to note distress that women’s “choices” are targeted whereas men’s choices are elevated and reified.”
“Lesbians are clearly attracted to female people, not those who are fulfilling sexist stereotypes, or who identify as female. To say otherwise is to deny nature.”
“I miss my community.”
“Lesbians are going through hell over this. I wish more LGB organizing was happening.”
“Lesbians have been completely abandoned by organisations which supposedly exist to support them.”
“Men have hated us for rejection, now by our silence we are telling young girls to hide their true selves.”
“I grew up with lots of homophobia in my community. The homophobia rhetoric that is repeated in gender ideology is the first thing that made me question what people were saying.”
“I am not a lesbian but I absolutely listen and support the views of lesbians on this. It’s the same shitty jokes about lesbians not trying the right man just re-worked and far more dangerous. Lesbian culture is about lives which don’t feature men at all and to suggest it includes “lesbians with a penis” is deeply offensive.”
“I had a lesbian meet up shut down for not allowing trans-identified males to attend – I also found online dating apps horrendous as around 20% of profiles were men, with another 20-30% being bisexual women with “TERFs Should Die” in their bio.”
“I am straight but I am “a great deal” concerned about every part and every impact on any woman of this outrageously abusive, misogynist, evil agenda.”
“I am straight, but am appalled that lesbians are being pressurised & harassed like this. Men aren’t lesbians.”
“I have family members who are lesbians, and they are furious at (again) the language changes happening, and being forced into this ridiculous assertion that same sex attraction is now bigotry and trans-“phobic.” There is no amount of lipstick that is going to make a penis attractive to a lesbian. End of story. Once again, men are going after them, it’s just now these men are in dresses, whining about how their “girl dick” or “lady peen”, is sooooo different than “cis-man dick”… The whole this is disgusting.”
“I am bisexual but feel totally outraged on behalf of my lesbian sisters. I know lesbians who are absolutely not interested in males. Finding out about cotton ceiling was one of the things that peaked me. The loss for lesbians is to push them back to the past, few places to meet, secrecy and shame, expected to have sex with men. It is heartbreaking.”
“I feel super isolated as a lesbian in the modern world. My girlfriend is one of the only other genuine lesbians I know. Everyone else around me who identifies as a lesbian is a man, or bisexual. I feel like lesbians are the punching bag of the lgbt community often times.”
“Trans ideology is inherently homophobic. Its believers are worse than the most extreme believers in the Abrahamic faiths.”
“I’m not a lesbian but I feel for lesbian women’s struggle.”
“I’m not ‘concerned’ about lesbian erasure – I’m fucking furious! I’m straight, but I’m still fucking furious. And Q44 – how can that be seen as anything other than homophobic conversion therapy? I could weep for these girls.”
“GII is a regressive, misogynistic tool of Violence against women and girls.”
“It’s conversion therapy to encourage girls and women who are lesbians to believe they are the wrong sex.”
“As a lesbian myself, I was lucky to find positive role models and social groups to be part of when I went to university. Today girls like I was are going down the transing route.”
“It was a funny joke in the 90s when Chandler said “penis schmenis, we’re all humans” to a lesbian as a party and now it’s queer activism 30 years later.”
“The homophobia of telling a lesbian (same sex attracted) that she is a bigoted genital fetishist for refusing to date or have sex with a penis haver (man) is so obvious I can’t understand why these people aren’t being prosecuted. The cotton ceiling is all about corrective rape under a new name.”
“I thought I was genderqueer as a teenager because I didn’t know bisexuality was a thing.”
“The cotton ceiling was what made me aware of the issue, and then the view from some that butch identities were old-fashioned or cowardly.”
“Lesbians have been shamefully abandoned by Stonewall. The bullying and gaslighting of young lesbians is horrific.”
“I’m straight but it worries me that my sisters who aren’t are being bullied and coerced and are missing out on truly feeling free to be themselves.”
“It is terrifying to me. Young lesbians being misled into thinking they are trans because same sex attracted. Young lesbians being compelled to have sex with males because they are in ‘queer’ spaces. My niece is a lesbian & has recently come out as trans “masc”. I’m afraid for her. I have tried to reach out & talk to her about these issues, but her family are delighted & have closed ranks. They won’t speak with us on this anymore. We have fallen out with them.”
“As a lesbian coming out I had no access to any lesbian spaces. The ones I tried to access got shut down.”
“I am a heterosexual woman, but I totally support my lesbian sisters.”
“I am worried about lesbian erasure as part of the larger erasure of women from the language. I am straight but I care for my lesbian sisters and want all women to have safe places to gather and talk about our lives.”
“This was obviously going to happen, men prioritise sex even if they claim to feel like a woman. Evidences that sex differences are real.”
“I’m likely bisexual. I want to start meeting women. I can’t afford to because of this ideology. I don’t feel safe. This is rape culture, women being forced to sexually service men at tremendous cost to themselves. Who will ‘be kind’ to lesbians and respect their boundaries?”
“Don’t even know where to begin – this MRA movement is obscene… it seeks to prioritise men who would do us harm and undermines all of our rights as women and girls. Men are not and can never be lesbian. Lesbians are same SEX attracted women – I am so sick and tired of male dominance and aggression. We need to support our lesbian girls and women. Get straight AGP men off lesbian dating sites – they will never belong there.”
“I am heterosexual but it makes me very sad indeed to see and hear that lesbians are facing these things. What a backwards step in LGB freedoms!”
“The term lesbian should be defined in law as adult human female homosexual. Lesbians need and deserve protection from trans identified males.”
“All over the Internet I see men pushing into every discussion possible begging for attention and validation- including menopause and breast cancer support groups. Whilst I am not lesbian I can see how these men operate and I see how lesbian spaces would be attacked in the same way. Lesbian women should be free from this interference to live and love without fear.”
“I’m not a lesbian, so have had to learn about how this has played out for young lesbians. It is shocking and most people don’t know how narcissistic male fetishists have overrun lesbian spaces as predators. Lesbian erasure = misogyny on steroids.”
“This is something that has affected me a lot, as I believed I was trans because I wasn’t allowed to be a lesbian. Now that I found that I was a lesbian, I’ve been attacked and felt unsafe to be in any lesbian spaces since they’ve been taken over by men, not to mention how I have to be into trans people, it’s harassment towards us as lesbians and women, I’m tired.”
“In addition to the racist talking points, gender identity rhetoric is often laced with homophobia.”
“We Lesbians get it as women and as Lesbians. We have gone back to the 40s and 50s. I fight and am out because I do try to be a role model, but I fear I may be too old (73). I remember how hard it was to come out in 1974–and it is just as bad now, if not worse.”
“I am not a lesbian myself so I can’t really comment other than to say this Stalinist gaslighting and warping of meaning to try and hammer the populace with the false idea that men can be women, and that therefore men can be lesbians, is extremely damaging to everybody. Obviously lesbians face more immediate and material losses in this regard, but we are all affected by the untethering from reality that gender ideology extremism promotes.”
“It’s just tragic.”
“There are no words really, I can’t deal with the stupid! What on Earth has happened that so many people have lost the plot? No, men aren’t women or lesbians! Utterly ridiculous.”
“A comparatively very small but related problem is with so-called “lesbians” claiming they are okay with being with TIMs – simultaneously contributing to lesbian erasure and bi erasure. (Again, of course this is far from the most important problem with this.)”
“How have we come to this? All those battles to gain recognition that same sex attraction is a reality, and that same sex relationships are just as valid as heterosexual relationships. And now lesbians are being written out of existence. They are being called bigots and receiving threats because of course a lesbian doesn’t want sex with a biological male. The TRA position frankly appears to be an enthusiastic endorsement of corrective rape, through coercion.”
“It is rape culture that males insist females who are attracted to females include the males in their dating pool. Like the males cannot accept that the females DON’T want to have sex with them. Pure misogyny.”
“Mentioned this before – everything in this section concerns me because it is rape culture. Women are being bullied, coerced and shamed into sex with heterosexual men. This homophobia is worse than the 80s.”
“I feel so sorry for young lesbians who lack the role models and women only spaces that were so important to me when I came out in the 1980s.”
“I’m not a lesbian, so I am one step removed from having a personal stake in this. I do have some very close people in my life who ARE lesbians who, so far, are NOT gender critical. I worry for them. I’m also curious about their inner thoughts, but don’t want to ask them.”
“As a lesbian it feels like society has walked backwards. Homophobic groups during my childhood used to tell homosexuals that our orientation was just a fetish, was wrong and was originated from trauma or mental illness. Nowadays, the trans movement says the same thing to lesbians: that if we are same sex attracted, we are not lesbians, we just have a fetish. That we have a trauma and need to “solve” it out. That our orientation is wrong. And that our sexuality is hateful because it excludes penises. Homophobia all over again, but this time, it’s defended and supported by the majority of people. The situation is critical. Plus, the only online lesbian communities centered around “cis” women only are pornographic ones made for men… Lesbian communities not centered around porn are all infiltrated by men now, and the majority of them only have men… Not “cis” women. We have lost the majority of our spaces.”
“I am a heterosexual woman. I hadn’t given a lot of thought to how gender identity ideology may, could or would impact same sex attracted or both sex attracted females (girls, women) or males (boys, men). However now that I am reading extensively across all the literature on trans identity ideology, it has come to my attention that lesbian spaces (female same sex attracted) are experiencing significant threats and abuse and threat of lesbian erasure due to trans identity ideology.”
“I feel sorry for young lesbians who are having to come to terms with their sexuality in a climate that does not support or affirm them; in fact the exact opposite.”
“Transing away lesbians is appalling – butch and femme lesbians have long been sidelined in our culture – now there seems to be a direct assault on them.”
“I am straight, but I worry greatly about this for our lesbian sisters and my daughter, who may grow up to be a lesbian. I want her to have lesbian spaces and community if she is, but they are disappearing.”
“Where are all the baby butch lesbians? Where have they gone?”
“After same-sex marriage became legal I thought homophobia would be over. Homophobia rearing its ugly head again in the form of sexually entitled men is like something out of a horror movie.”
“As a lesbian it is an absolute nightmare how we have to go underground and word-of-mouth again just to avoid these deranged males, esp because they may well have the law on their side. I was not old enough to participate in the flourishing, proud lesbian culture of decades past and it’s now all-out war on our culture, our rights, our freedom of association, our institutions, and our ability to exist as lesbians in public that I cannot accept. I will never pretend that a man has anything to do with lesbians or our spaces and if I have to use encryption, a phone tree, and secret meeting locations to keep the predators out, then I will do so proudly. Lesbians have networked illegally before and we can do so again, but we shouldn’t have to after all the decades we’ve fought to be a normal part of society.”
“Been in Lesbian groups for years which have been destroyed by the onslaught of males.”
“Why bother to have the alphabetti spaghetti of LGBTQ etc when LG &B are gendered out of existence?”
“Sexual orientation is protected in the Equality Act. Why is this not being upheld?”
“It breaks my heart that all the institutions lesbians built, in the ‘60s and ‘70s, are gone now and that there aren’t even a dozen lesbian bars left in the entire USA.”
“I fear the erasure of lesbians and women – because men want what we have – our womanhood.”
“Lesbian erasure has to stop.”
“It is homophobic to erase same sex attraction and replace this with ‘queer’ or same gender. It is rape culture to shame lesbians into sleeping with men.”
“I am not a lesbian but even I feel this is not something that can be left unchallenged. Lesbians are same sex attracted, that’s it. And lesbian is not an umbrella term either! A lesbian is a woman who is attracted to the same sex, which would be a woman. Men cannot be lesbians.”
“I got banned from the Diva community group as I was a lesbian!”
“Lesbians are being put in a horrible position. I stand with my lesbian sisters.”
“It took my cousin until her parents died to come out at the age of 60. It took my niece until she was 30 because she feared rejection in our family, which is of Irish heritage. She is so happy now in a loving relationship and we all knew anyway but she says she couldn’t use dating sites if she was on her own again. She has experienced some bullying and intimidation from male bodied men in the recent past. This makes me incandescent with rage.”
“It is horrifying that lesbianism is under attack like this. Young lesbians today are facing homophobic and conversion via trans ideology.”
“I’m 60. I’ve grown up in tough times for us. My partner and I experience regular low level/medium level anger against us. Especially against her as her presentation is butch. Mine less so. The gender ideology is making things much worse. Not against us personally, but I really do fear for younger lesbians facing all this extra pressure and hatred. And what feels like erasure or even genocide.”
“I feel this has been going on for a lot longer than many realise, to the detriment of lesbian culture and lives.”
“I am not a lesbian though I have lesbian friends. Stonewall has a charge to answer in trying to redefine homoSEXuality as “same gender attraction”.”
“I think lesbians are getting a double whammy – female & lesbian. Gay men have not been as affected by the vitriol of trans extremists as lesbians have. Trans extremists are anti women and lesbians particularly, but respect men. Lesbians are losing their safe female & safe lesbian spaces, as well as being erased by the moves to persuade young lesbians into thinking they are trans and more acceptable as such.”
“At festivals, at workshops, online, we have been no platformed for our views. Though I didn’t get to attend, the Detransitioners workshop at the last Michfest in 2015 had 150 womyn!! Many in support of the detransitioners. I went to a Butch workshop which is the ONLY TIME I felt in the majority and would not get kicked out for my gender critical views. Our Lesbian herstory is ignored or worse, just like the Holocaust, given trans revisionism to all our Butch Lesbian sheros or women who crossdressed and REFUSED the gender roles, sex stereotypes and limited lives women could lead in the past. The trans movement threatens to do the exact same. You either get surgeries and hormones (“The Gendercator”) if you don’t fit in, or you get vilified. No more tomboy girls or soft effeminate artistic boys. Nobody to pass our legacies onto. LESBIANS DO NOT HAVE PENISES AND MALES CANNOT HAVE BABIES. PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE. If I didn’t have a partner, I wouldn’t even KNOW how to meet Lesbians anymore. In fact I have NO Lesbian friends realtime in my life…..all have been coopted by the Trans and queer movements. It’s all very anti Female and anti Lesbian. I am VERY CONCERNED about the youth being pressured into nonconsensual sex with males. Being Lesbian is ALL ABOUT LOVING AND LUSTING AFTER WOMEN: ADULT HUMAN FEMALES!! XX ALL THE WAY!!”
“I am not a lesbian myself, but my lesbian friends are very concerned about all of the above and so I am worried on their behalf. Their stress and anxiety is palpable, they describe feeling as though they have to hide their sexuality. I’m depressed that they feel this way in 2021.”
“Men cannot be lesbians. The lesbian fantasies heterosexual men have are based on porn films where straight women simulate male porn fantasies about female sexuality in this and other areas. I know this because I’m a survivor of the sex trade myself.”
“I am shocked by the number of young lesbians who have been brainwashed to consider their sexual boundaries to be exclusionary.”
“My daughter has declared herself to be lesbian. I worry about how she will have to negotiate being same sex attracted whilst fully intact men can declare themselves to be lesbians. She is young, keen to be kind and in theory is happy to believe TWAW.”
“Lesbian spaces are being infiltrated by men claiming to be lesbian. It is frightening and outrageous that our social lives are being invaded and our sexual choices invalidated.”
“Lesbians suffer at least twice over, being both female and homosexual. Women risk – assess any time men are around. As a straight woman, I know I am at risk if I go on a date. Lesbians are put at risk by males identifying as lesbians. Young lesbians are at particular risk of lifelong harm from irreversible surgery and hormone treatment. Measures to validate trans-identified males lead to lesbians being gas-lit and having their experiences and self-definition(s) denied.”
“I am bisexual myself so I can understand the confusion that being same sex attracted can cause when you don’t realise that other people feel that way too. I have many lesbian friends who have spoken to me about the difficulties in finding women only spaces and of being thrown out of groups for stating they are same sex attracted.”
“How is men saying that a lesbian should have sex with them because they identify as women any different from corrective rape.”
“It’s a return to the homophobia of the 70s.”
“Lesbians are important. They matter. Their rights matter. It should not be controversial to be same sex attracted.”
“I don’t have personal experience of this as I am not a lesbian, but I have seen a lot of vitriol directed at lesbians who defend their right to say they are only same sex attracted. It feels like a dystopian nightmare when the men verbally abuse and state they ARE women. It’s ridiculous and has to stop.”
“ALL THE ABOVE. I would also say that affirmation can easily be a form of erasure. I am sick to death of our groups, spaces, celebrations, history being stolen. Stop transing dead lesbians, for heaven’s sake! I am also concerned for the physical safety of lesbians when they find themselves conned into intimate situations with men (who have been presenting as trans or as trans – doesn’t matter), as the Hong Kong case reported this week demonstrates.”
“I am actively fighting to combat lesbian erasure and inform people of the lesbophobia of transgenderism.”
“Having watched Lesbian friends being harassed humiliated and denigrated by men in dresses pretending to be ‘ women’ and ‘ translesbians ‘, I am horrified by the rape culture emerging, disguised as ‘ progressive ‘. I worry terribly for these friends. And for the future for young lesbian women coming out in such an environment.”
“It’s not just men calling themselves lesbians; women in relationships with men who call themselves lesbians are also calling themselves lesbians. Those women (hetero/bi) are then speaking for and as lesbians, stating that lesbians like penis in vagina sex. Heterosexual men and women have taken over the word lesbian, and have redefined what it means in a way that actually excludes lesbians.”
“This is the most frightening aspect of gender ideology – speaking as a proud lesbian.”
“I myself am not a lesbian or bi, but I am concerned with rapey men. I think all women know that some men fetishise lesbians and becoming one is just a step further. Women should be entitled to same sex attraction. Nobody should be shamed for who they sleep with and who they don’t. Lesbians don’t have to include males in their dating pool. No means no. There isn’t anything feminine about a penis. The trans community are actively erasing lesbian history; I read an article recently about Pauli Murray. Pauli Murray was a lesbian, but history now reports her as non-binary. It’s just homophobia and misogyny all rolled up into one.”
“Lesbians I know are happy to be in their bodies as lesbians attracted to women. Why use a masquerade to trick others or insert others into their world when they are happy and have fought and struggled to be where they are now. Who are trans people to assert their bodies into those groups, same sex attraction is not the same as gender identity issues and shouldn’t be put in the same frame.”
“I am bisexual. I am appalled by what is happening especially to young lesbians. I am seeing this in real life. Gender non confirming girls who love girls being told they are really boys. Homophobic and misogynistic.”
“I am very concerned about lesbian erasure. I am concerned that some parents would prefer a girl to identify as a boy than be a “butch” lesbian.”
“They are at the bottom of the heap and I feel so sad for lesbians, especially younger lesbians who have never had the benefit of seeing people similar to them and knowing it’s normal to feel same sex attraction. They don’t have anywhere left to go where they won’t be threatened for being same sex attracted.”
“Clear definitions are vital for legal protection as is set out in the EA 2010. If men can say they are lesbian then lesbian as a descriptor is rendered meaningless.”
“Lesbian erasure is active as fuck!! They are not losing their lesbian bars, they are infiltrated by men pretending to be lesbians, these men are now on the L word !! GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!!!!”
“My best friend and my daughter are lesbian. I have seen them go through so much to love who they want to love and I am disgusted that after such a short time their hard fought for rights are being dismantled in front of them. All to keep men happy!”
“Young women are being coerced into relationships that they do not want as they are transphobic for having a “genital preference”.”
“This is one of the most pernicious aspects of the ideology!”
“I feel devastated by it there are so few spaces for us now, we have lost a lot and It’s absurd that any man would consider that I, a woman born woman and lesbian who loves women born women lesbians would want a man with or without a penis near me grrr.”
“I honestly don’t know what to say. I read a definition of lesbian the other day which involved the words ‘non man’. Ffs, leave the lesbians alone. It is same sex attraction. It’s not hard.”
“The erasure of lesbian sexuality has had a negative impact on my family, which I worry will continue for years to come.”
“It’s utter misogyny.”
“Completely enraging. I will never accept men as women nor will I be silent.”
“Lesbians should be able to meet without males. In Tasmania this has been banned. Puts lesbians under threat.”
“No one has lesbians’ backs.”
“Lesbians facing male violence with a transwoman are unable to call it male violence or they will be ostracised. This is polluting data about violence within relationships which will be used against us.”
“You would have thought that the whole idea of men calling themselves lesbians would have stopped this ridiculous idea in its tracks. It really did hit home for me the misogyny behind the gender ideology. I feel sad for young women who are being told that they are trans when they are lesbian. Hearing about how they are signing up for mastectomies just makes me cry.”
“Lesbian women are very important in being an example to other women of lack of subservience to men.”
“Having same sex attraction is not a genital fetish.”
“I am a lesbian and have been “out” for more than 40 years – in my view and lived experience the definition of a lesbian is a human female sexually and emotionally attracted to other human females – a person with male genitals attracted to women is a straight man as there is no basis at all in science or medicine in my view for someone being a man in a woman’s body and therefore the notion that someone is a lesbian in their head but a straight man in their body is a nonsense.”
“As a lesbian I feel deeply attacked by the new homophobia hidden under the notion of transgenderism. There are no more safe spaces for us, no more dating spaces exclusively for us, and our same sex attraction is attacked by the people who are supposed to be on our side.”
“The erasure is blatant to me, as a lesbian out since 1972.”
“Once again, just as seeing all the impact of the WLM being attacked, all the work of the Gay Liberation Front in the 1970s, with which I was also involved for a few years is also being destroyed. I never thought it would become harder for young women to be out-and-proud lesbians after all we did.”
“The idea of men pretending to be women and also lesbians sickens me as does the coercion of lesbians by men to have sex with them. Its rape.”
“I am a lesbian who hadn’t dated for years and was shocked at the loss of lesbian spaces when I wanted to meet other lesbians again.”
“Lesbian erasure is primal to the erasure of women in general. They are a particular target for patriarchy.”
“It was the appalling treatment of lesbians that first got me to put my head above the parapet and speak out about transgender aggression.”
“My child came out as a lesbian at 15, a few months later they identified as trans.”
“There is too much for a text box. Straight men are not lesbians, most have not had (or have any intention of having) surgery. Actual transexuals tend to be male attracted. Those who claim to be lesbians are almost all porn soaked straight men. I will never understand anyone defending them.”
“The most worrying thing about this whole ideology is the screwing with language. It is making me feel like my head is going to explode. There are so many words that I don’t know what is meant anymore when they are used/misused. They are emptying words of meaning. A ‘Lesbian’ can have a Penis!!!! One of the most disturbing things I have come across recently (in the MANY MANY disturbing things) is the Cotton Ceiling. Are you kidding me!?!?!? I can barely string words together to even begin.”
“Gender identity ideology is trying to stigmatise and erase same sex attraction. It normalises conversion therapy with lesbians being coerced into relationships with males or pushed into surgery. I can’t image being a young lesbian facing all these pressures and being demonised as transphobes or bigots if they do not comply. This is nothing but conversion therapy and coercive rape and is disgusting.”
“I am not a lesbian yet I am horrified by what I see them subjected to.”
“As a lesbian I am glad this shite was not around when I was younger. I am very concerned about its effects on young lesbians.”
“As I mentioned previously, my teenage daughter is same sex attracted. I’m terrified that she is going to suffer because of her sexuality and the ways in which this ideology is going to pressure her to be otherwise, to guilt and shame her for her sexuality.”
“I am straight but lesbian erasure is clear to see. Gay men are also encountering similar issues, though perhaps more rhetoric than in practice.”
“I’m straight as a die, however I do see how lesbians are being removed from culture as a consequence of this insanity that’s taking over.”
“I’m bisexual and the erasure of lesbians is frightening and horrific. I support women who love and are sexually attracted to women *based on their sex* 100%. Yesterday was supposed to be International Lesbian Day and so many organisations couldn’t simply celebrate lesbians but had to refer to a whole host of other gender-woo nonsense which basically allows men in. Scary. And ugh.”
“As a straight woman, I’m aware that all women face sexual pressure from men but that lesbians face a different nature of this – that gender ideologues are targeting lesbians and trying to force them to sleep with men AND that this is seen is ok is really terrifying. It’s just rape culture normalised.”
“I am not a lesbian, but I appreciate the huge contributions made to feminism by lesbians. The erasure of a particular group of people from society is normally known as ‘genocide’ and practised by fascists.”